2021 MSVCC Academy Catalog
MSVCC ENROLLMENT TOOL The MSVCC Enrollment Tool course is designed to inform participants about the MSVCC and the various tasks that instructors complete in the Enrollment Tool. This course is intended for potential or current MSVCC instructors. Participants in this course will review content pages, watch videos, review guides, and complete quizzes to learn about the MSVCC Enrollment Tool. This course is estimated to take 1 hour to complete. TURNITIN - BUILDING A CULTURE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The Building a Culture of Academic Integrity course is designed to inform participants about the importance of academic integrity and the factors that contribute to academic dishonesty. This course is intended for instructors of all modalities. Participants in this course will review content pages, watch videos, and complete the quiz to learn about Academic Integrity. This course is estimated to take 45 minutes to complete.
Growing with Canvas is an on-line professional development course designed to help teachers learn how to use Canvas effectively in brick and mortar classrooms AND on-line learning environments. The course uses a combination of the Canvas Video Guides and Canvas Guides to teach the content. The course progresses through 4 modules that cover the following topics: navigating Canvas, Canvas communication tools, customizing your course, designing your course, creating content and assessments, using SpeedGrader, and copying your course. Participants in the course will try out a number of the concepts through the practice activities. NOTE: Participants will be required to build a sandbox course. DIGGING DEEPER WITH DESIGNING AND TEACHING Digging Deeper is an on-line professional development course designed to teach instructors how to create sound objectives and outcomes, and how to align them to assessments using Canvas Rubrics and Outcomes. This course will teach best practices, learning styles, engagement strategies, and pedagogy for facilitating on- line instruction. Instructors will also learn about external and research-based tools that can be utilized in on-line instruction. NOTE: Participants will be required to use the sandbox course built through Growing with Canvas.
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