2021 MSVCC Academy Catalog
MSVCC AND THE MCCB Through collaborative partnership with members of the community colleges, the Division of eLearning & Instructional Technology provides services, support, and resources to participating colleges and their respective educators and administrators in alignment with the vision, mission, and core values of the MCCB. DIVISION GOALS • Leverage exemplary instructional practices for the creation and support of online course development and delivery. • Enhance and expand innovative teaching and learning practices by providing meaningful opportunities for training and skill-building. • Advance operational effectiveness of eLearning systems and applications by providing support, training, and technical assistance • Utilize social media and digital tools to promote and build awareness of Division supported programs, functions, and services. • Develop new and strengthen existing partnerships to meet the needs of the community college system. • Work collaboratively to enhance and support online learning initiatives and partnerships.
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