FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)
state-by-state approval, making it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. SARA is overseen by a National Council (NC-SARA) and administered by four regional education compacts. • MELO (Mississippi Electronic Library Online): Mississippi Electronic Library Online (MELO) is a virtual library that mirrors a traditional library through online databases, electronic books and journals, and scholarly websites. Learners and instructors can use this service to search for books, journals, magazine articles, and news items, conduct refined searches within a specific database (such as EBSCO or CREDO), chat live with a librarian, and find citation guides such as MLA and APA. • MILD Grant: The MILD Grant is awarded to the college of the President-Elect to cover the costs associated with hosting the annual Mississippi eLearning Association (MELA) Retreat. The President-Elect must maintain records of the utilization of funds. In accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), all participating colleges must adhere to the annual MSVCC calendar. The MSVCC calendar establishes common statewide dates for fall, spring, and summer semesters, including mini-term sessions: • A common statewide last date to enroll; • Common statewide add, drop, and withdrawal dates; • Common statewide due dates for grades, and • A common statewide ending date for each semester. The calendar includes fall, spring, and summer semesters with various term lengths including 15, 8-, 4-, and 3-week options. Colleges may elect to participate in any of the terms or semesters as either a Provider College, Host College, or both. MSVCC CALENDAR General
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