FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)
Academic terms offered in the summer semester with corresponding term codes and abbreviations. Term Month Term Weeks Calendar Term Code ET Term Code May 3 MAY03 May (3wks)
JUN (8wks)
JUN (4wks)
JUL (4wks)
Calendar Development Process To ensure adequate time for review and approvals, development of terms within the ET, sufficient time for colleges to build and publish course offerings, and inclusion of MSVCC dates into local publications, the process for the MSVCC calendar is initiated two years beforehand. 1. Initial Drafting: a. During the fall semester two years before the academic year of implementation, the MSVCC Administrative Committee drafts the calendar using the guidelines in the MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual. 2. Review and Approval: a. The draft is reviewed and approved by the Mississippi eLearning Association (MELA) during their spring meeting. b. Upon MELA approval, the MSVCC President submits the calendar to the Academic Officers Association (AOA) during their Spring AOA meeting. c. The AOA reviews the calendar and suggests revisions to the MELA if necessary. If revisions are needed, the Administrative Committee makes the required changes and resubmits them to MELA for approval. 3. Final Approval: a. If no further revisions are needed, the AOA votes on the MSVCC calendar during their Summer AOA Meeting. The President then notifies MELA of the outcome. b. Upon approval by the AOA, the Assistant Executive Director (AED) for eLearning & Instructional Technology provides the college Presidents with a
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