FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)
• Consider and make recommendations to the Association. • Develop goals and objectives in alignment with the goals of the MSVCC. • Define metrics, set timelines, and track progress of goals and objectives. Section 6: Meetings The chair shall call meetings of the standing committee as the business of the Association requires. However, Committees are required, at a minimum, to meet bi-annually (once in the fall semester and spring semester). Notice of the meeting shall be given by the Chair, by email, not less than seven days before the meeting. Section 7: Reports The chairs of committees are responsible for keeping the Association informed of committee activities by way of reports. It is expected that reports shall be given: • During monthly meetings as scheduled; and • During the Annual Retreat, emphasizing the current and future goals and objectives related to strategic planning. Article VIII: Amendments A two-thirds majority of the Association may amend these By-Laws when necessary. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be sent out with regular Association announcements. Article IX: Dissolution A two-thirds majority of the Association may recommend that the Association be dissolved. Article X: Certification These Bylaws were adopted at the Association meeting on this day (INSERT DATE) The Exceptions and Issues Committee exists under the direction of the Mississippi Association of Community Colleges (MACC) to serve the distance education needs and interests of the MSVCC consortium and its individual member colleges. Article II: Duties and Responsibilities Section 1: Exceptions The committee shall hear exceptions cases to establish MSVCC policies and operational procedures. Participating college presidents and the MCCB’s Assistant Executive Director for eLearning & Instructional Technology may submit documented exceptions. All submissions should be routed MSVCC EXCEPTIONS AND ISSUES COMMITTEE Bylaws of the Exceptions and Issues Committee Article I: Purpose
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