FY2025 MSVCC P&P (MELA Approved, Under APA, Submitted to SOS)

b. Male c. Prefer not to respond 5. Age Group (Select box for Age Groups)

a. 16 – 17 b. 18 – 24 c. 25 – 29 d. 30 – 39 e. 40 – 49 f. 50 – 59 g. 60 6. Marital Status a. Single b. Married

c. Divorced/Separated d. Widow/Widower e. Prefer not to respond

7. Curriculum/Major

a. Academic (University Parallel) b. Technical c. Career/Vocational 8. What is your primary reason for taking an online course? a. Transportation Issues

b. Class was unavailable or a traditional section was not open c. Online classes fit my job/work hours better

d. Family/Home (including childcare) e. Recommendation by my advisor f. Recommendation by a friend


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