ET Cheat Sheets

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Enrollment Tool Cheat Sheets MSVCC

Table of Contents

03 06 08 10 13 15 17 18 19 29 27

Managing Users

Creating Courses Linking a Syllabus to a Course Creating Textbooks

Inclusive Access Managing Instructors Pulling in Courses from Other Colleges


Managing Attendance


Additional Management Tips

Managing Users

Adding a New User:

To add a new user: 1. Select the Security tab (all actions in this section will take place under Security). 2. Select Add Users. 3. Complete all fields. 4. Select Save User.

Managing Users

Edit User Information:

To edit user information: 1. Select List Users. 2. Select the name of a user. 3. Edit the information in the Modify User box. 4. Select Save User. You can also delete a user by selecting Delete User.

Managing Users

Resetting a User's Password:

To reset a user's password: 1. Select List Users. 2. In the Reset Password column, select Send to send the user an email that will allow them to reset their password.

Creating Courses

Uploading the Course File:

Note The file must be a CSV file with the following column headings: course_id, short_name, long_name, account_id, term_id, status, start_date, end_date, district, local_id, subj, num, sect, maxseats, faculty_id, isbn, delv, credithrs, and courseterm. To upload or create courses: 1. Select the Courses tab. 2. Under Course Utilities, select Upload Courses to Catalog. To view any errors from the file upload, once completed, select View Exceptions. 3. Select Upload File once the desired file has been chosen. 4. To manually add a course, select New Course under the Work Area (Catalog). Once a course has been uploaded or manually created, it will exist under Catalog Listing. Once a course is complete and ready to be offered, select the Migrate to Course Offering Option.

Creating Courses

Uploading the Course File (continued):

Notes If a new course file is uploaded for a semester after a course file has already been uploaded, the new courses will go into the Work Area Catalog. Once those courses have been migrated from the Work Area Catalog, they will be added to the production environment. This will not delete/replace current courses already in production. 5. To be considered complete, a course must contain an instructor, syllabus, textbook, and an active status. By clicking Full Dump - Migrate All Ready Courses, you can create a live course listing for all complete courses. Alternatively, each course can be migrated individually.

Linking a Syllabus to a Course

Adding the Syllabus:

To upload a syllabus: 1. Select Catalog Listing under the Work Area Catalog. Select a course on the following screen. 2. Select Syllabus.

Linking a Syllabus to a Course

Adding the Syllabus (continued):

Note: An easy way to rename the file correctly is to copy/paste the format shown in option three. 3. The file must be a PDF and must have the following naming convention: (3 digit) District Code = (5 digit) Semester Term + Course ID + Type of File Being Uploaded. Example: 2062018310178.pdf 4. Select Choose File and locate the syllabus you wish to upload. 5. Select Upload File. Once the syllabus is in place, you can click View Syllabus to preview the file.

Creating Textbooks

Uploading the Textbook File:

Note The file must be a CSV file with the following column headings: Term, District, ISBN, Type, Author, Title, Publisher, Comment, Inclusive You can manually create a textbook by selecting New Textbook. To upload or create textbooks: 1. Select the Textbook tab. 2. Under Textbook Utilities, select Upload Textbooks. To view any errors from the file upload, once completed, select View Exceptions. 3. Select Choose File and locate the textbooks CSV you wish to upload. 4. Select Upload File once the desired file has been chosen.

Creating Textbooks

Linking a Textbook to a Course:

To add a textbook to a course: 1. Select Catalog Listing under the Work Area Catalog. Select a course on the following screen. 2. Select Textbook.

Creating Textbooks Linking a Textbook to a Course (continued):

3. You can search a textbook by ISBN, or 4. You can find the textbook title in the Textbook dropdown menu. 5. Once you have located the textbook, select Save Textbook.

Inclusive Access Options for Review IA Courses - Textbook Tab

Note Each IA textbook is assigned a $25 per credit hour fee. This fee is not visible on the students' profile. A textbook listed as ebook is not assigned a fee. To review IA textbook data: 1. Select the Textbook tab. 2. Use the filter options to preview textbooks based on their Inclusive Access status.

Inclusive Access Options for Review IA Courses - Courses Tab

Note The Inclusive Access Summary is the comprehensive MCCB report used for billing/payment purposes. The Inclusive Access Details represents what a college should receive in IA fees. Students in red were dropped prior to the census date and will not be included in the total. The Inclusive Access Owe Summary and Details represent what a college can anticipate to owe in IA fees. These reports are opposites of the other reports. To review IA course data: 1. Select the Courses tab. 2. Use the filter options to preview courses based on their Inclusive Access status. 3. Under Course Management, four Inclusive Access reports are available.

Managing Instructors

Creating Instructors:

To create an instructor: 1. Select the Instructors tab. 2. Select New Instructor. 3. Complete all fields and select Save Changes.

Note Creating an instructor does not give the user access to the Enrollment Tool. To authorize ET access, please visit the Managing Users section and follow the steps for Adding a New User. The email address for the user must match in the Instructors and Security sections in order for the user to be able to see the courses linked to their account.

Managing Instructors

Linking an Instructor to a Course:

To link an instructor to a course: 1. In the Work Area Catalog, select Catalog Listing, and select a course. 2. Use the Instructor drop down box to select an instructor. 3. Select Save Course.

Pulling in Courses from Other Colleges Selecting a Course to Pull In:

To pull a course in from another college: 1. Select Courses. 2. Under MSVCC Master Offering, select Add from Master Listing. 3. Use the filters to locate the course. 4. Select Add. The course will be added to the institution course offerings list.

Enrollments Checking Enrollment Numbers or Seats:

To review enrollments or seat availability: 1. Select Courses. 2. Under MSVCC Master Offering, select the Institution Course Offerings. 3. Within the list of offerings, the number of seats and seats

remaining are visible in the Seats column. 4. This list can be exported to Excel, if needed.

Managing Attendance

Attendance Review:

Attendance Review is a Provider report that shows a list of all courses each school has put in the Enrollment Tool to teach. Use this report to check the number of times attendance has been taken and the date of the last attendance taken in courses. To review attendance data: 1. Select Attendance. 2. Under Attendance Management, select Attendance Review. 3. Filter by Site, Subject, and Term, as needed. 4. Selecting the linked date in the Last Attendance Taken column will display the Attendance Report for that course and date. 5. When filtering by term, the numbers in the Attendance Taken column should be the same. If a number is less than the majority, that instructor will need a reminder to complete attendance.

Managing Attendance

Entering Attendance:

To enter/edit attendance in the Attendance Manager: 1. Select Attendance. 2. Under Attendance Management, select Attendance Review. 3. Select the linked date in the Last Attendance Taken column to edit the attendance for that course.

4. The Select Course dropdown menu can be used to choose a different course, if needed. 5. The Choose Date dropdown menu can be used to select additional attendance dates to edit within the course. 6. The roster can be filtered to show all enrolled students or only Non Local Students. 7. Select Set All Present to add the Present status to all students. This button may be used once per attendance date. 8. The number of allowed absences for the course is visible at the top of the roster, along with the total number of present/absent students. 9. Select the printer icon if a printed copy of attendance is needed.

Managing Attendance

Entering Attendance (continued):

To enter/edit attendance in the Attendance Manager: 10. Select the status in the Attendance column to change the status from Present to Absent or vice versa. The status will automatically save as it is updated. Attendance can be updated as needed as long as the course is in progress. Once a course closes, Attendance Status can no longer be edited.

Managing Attendance

Request for Drop - Student Withdrawals:

Note: Request Drop - Select this option to withdraw the student from the course. All Requests for Drop wil be sent to the Host school for processing. Working with Student - Select this option if the student has received more than the allowed number of absences but the student is providing the necessary documentation to remain enrolled. To request a student's withdrawal from a course: 1. Select the Req. Drop link for the student in the Drop column within the Attendance Manager. 2. The Request Withdrawal box will appear. In the Type dropdown menu, select one of the two options. 3. If Request Drop is selected as the Type, a Reason dropdown and LDA box will appear. Select a reason and enter the LDA in the format MM/DD/YY. Enter a comment in the Comment box, if needed. Select Request Drop to complete the request or Cancel to cancel the request.

Managing Attendance Request for Drop - Student Withdrawals (continued):

To request a student's withdrawal from a course (continued): 5. After Request Drop is selected, the student will appear in blue, and the Req. Drop link will be removed.

Managing Attendance

Request for Drop - Processing Requests:

Note: The School Requested Drop displays all students who have been requested to drop by the Provider college. The Other CC Requested Drop displays the local students that have been requested to drop by provider institutions. Use this report to process Withdrawal Requests for students. To view and process drop requests: 1. Under Attendance Management, select Request for Drop. 2. The Request for Drop tool has a filter option that allows users to navigate between two reports, School Requested Drop and Other CC Requested Drop. 3. To process a drop request on the Other CC Requested Drop report, select the name of the student. The student profile will appear.

Managing Attendance Request for Drop - Processing Requests (continued):

Note The instructor role does not allow for the withdrawing of students. Only the ELC or ELC Assistant roles have the ability to process a withdrawal request. 5. Select Withdraw Student to complete the withdrawal process. Once the withdrawal is completed, the status on Request for Drop will change to Closed. To view and process drop requests (continued): 4. Input the Last Date of Attendance (LDA) for the student and any comments necessary.

Managing Attendance

Working with Student Report:

The Working with Student Report is a provider report that displays a list of all students taking local courses who have a Request for Withdrawal and the instructor is working with (Reason will display as "Working with Student.").


Available Reporting Features:

To review Enrollment Tool Reports: 1. Select the Reports tab. 2. Select the report needed.

Note Non-School Student Enrolled Report - This report will show the list of your institution's courses that have non-school students enrolled, as well as the names of the students and their host school. This report is a good indicator of which of your courses other schools often pull in. (You may also use the Non-Local Students Taking School Courses Extraction to view a CSV file that contains Student ID, Last Name, First Name, Enrollment Date, Status, Email, Campus, LDA, and WD Date.)

Reports Available Reporting Features (continued): Note

Students in Non-School Courses Report - This report will show you the list of your school's students that are taking courses from other schools. This report is a good indicator of which courses you need to pull in from other schools. (You may also use the School Students Taking Hosted Courses Extraction to view a CSV file that contains Instructor Last Name, Instructor First Name, Host College, Course ID, Subject, Course, Section, Student ID, Student Last Name, Student First Name, Status, LDA, WD Date, Campus, Email, and Course Term.) Grades for Non-School Courses - This report will show you the grades of your students that completed courses from other schools. You will use this report to enter grades in your SIS for those students. Enrollment Assessment Report - This report provides an overview of the Consortium fees assessed from each college through the MSVCC.

Additional Management Tips

Viewing the Enrollment File:

To view the enrollment file sent by the MCCB to Canvas: 1. Select Courses. 2. Under Course Management, select ET Snapshot Review.

Additional Management Tips

Viewing Retention Data:

To view retention data for a course: 1. Select Courses. 2. Under Assignment Review, select Retention Review.

3. Select the date link in the Final Grades Column for the course. 4. The Final Grades page will contain a summary of retention data at the bottom.

Additional Management Tips

Checking Assignment Review:

Note: It is not necessary to approve the audit roster in the Enrollment Tool if attendance is complete for a course. Selecting the date link in the Midterm Grades and Final Grades columns will show the roster and grade listing. Selecting the course ID number will display the course roster. 3. The Midterm Grades and Final Grades columns will display the date the instructor completed and submitted grades. To view which instructors have posted midterm and final grades: 1. Select Courses. 2. Under Assignment Review, select List Course.

Additional Management Tips

Viewing Active Courses:

To view active courses for your institution: 1. Select Courses. 2. Under Course Management, select Course Listing to display all active courses. 3. Under MSVCC Master Offering, select Course Offerings to display all active hosted and provided courses.

January 2022

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