
Background Check; Minimum Age

Exam Requirements Appren Ɵ ceship/Internship Requirements License & Renewal Fee NBE ($570) SBE LRR Served before, during, or a Ō er educa Ɵ on, in state/province, etc.? Case Reports

License Type

Educa Ɵ on Requirements (ABFSE graduate; other educa Ɵ onal requirements)

Renewal Frequency

Funeral Director

60 semester or 90 quarter hours from accredited college plus at least 15 hours from ABFSE program ABFSE graduate; 60 semester or 90 quarter hours from accred. college in addi Ɵ on to ABFSE program

Served any Ɵ me in ID


$85 & $85

Renew each year


Mor Ɵ cian

NO; 21

Served any Ɵ me in ID


$85 & $85

Cer Ɵ fi cate of Authority

Must be a licensed funeral director or mor Ɵ cian

$50 & $50

FD & Emb. Combina Ɵ on NO; 18

ABFSE graduate; Bachelor’s or Associate’s Degree in Arts or Science

Renew every 2 yrs


Served a Ō er educa Ɵ on in IL

24 & 24 $100 & $100

30 semester or 45 quarter hours from postsecondary ins Ɵ tu Ɵ on & 4 quarters from accredited school of mortuary science OR 21 month program in mortuary science (all programs must be approved by board.)

Indiana FD & Emb.

Renew every 2 yrs

 $50

 $50

Served before educa Ɵ on in IN

Combina Ɵ on NO; 18


$50 & $50

FD & Emb. Combina Ɵ on NO; NA

ABFSE graduate; 60 college credit hours that exclude technical Mortuary Science course

Renew every 2 yrs


Served before educa Ɵ on in IA

12 & 12 $120 & $120

Funeral Director

$228 prorated & $228 $168 prorated & $168


60 hours of college (20 in areas de fi ned by law)

Served a Ō er educa Ɵ on



ABFSE graduate; Associate’s Degree in Mortuary Science

No minimum


Served a Ō er educa Ɵ on

Renew every 2 yrs


NO; 18

Comple Ɵ on of a training course by an approved provider (must complete 2 hours of CE every two years)

Crematory Operator Assistant FD

High School/GED

$50 & $50

High School/GED


prorated & $180

Funeral Director

 $100  $100

High School/GED

Served any Ɵ me in KY


$75 & $75

 $100  $100

 $100


Associate’s Degree in Mortuary Science

Served any Ɵ me in KY

$75 & $75


Renew each year


Federal; 18

FD & Emb. Combina Ɵ on Transporter

25, 25, 25


High School/GED

Served any Ɵ me in KY



High School/GED

Blood ‐ borne pathogen, state course annually

$150 & $150

Funeral Director

ABFSE graduate; Minimum of 30 college freshman semester hours from SACS or equivalent ins Ɵ tu Ɵ on


Served any Ɵ me in LA


$250 & $80


FD & Emb. Combina Ɵ on

Renew each year


NO; 18

ABFSE graduate

Served any Ɵ me in LA


$250 & $80

Crematory Operator

Crematory operator training course by approved provider, manufacturer ‐ led training

High School/GED

$250 & $80


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