HR Newsletters 2019


Dr. Krista LeBrun and Shalon Farris

After months of hard work, the MCCB launched the newly designed website. Visit https://

Thank you Dr. Mayfield for your support of the re-design of the MCCB website. Your excite- ment and support throughout this project was always so encouraging.

This project would not have been a success without the dedication from the MCCB Website Design Team (Jacob Goodwin, Cynthia Jiles, Dr. Krista LeBrun, Beth Little, Dr. Krystal Thurman, and Kell Smith). Thanks to each of you for taking the time to attend design team meetings, providing input and suggestions, and reviewing content. I also want to thank Dr. Krystal Thur- man and Dr. Rachel DeVaughan for doing a thorough grammar and spelling review of many of the pages on the website. Additionally, I would like to thank each of the divisions and offices for meeting with us and helping us determine the layout and organization of your content and the IT Division for completing the DNS Configuration. Our goal with the new website is to provide a platform to showcase who we are as an agency, what we do for the State of Mississippi, and who we serve. Amongst the new features on our site is the ability to display information about current news and upcoming events. To ensure the site is constantly updated and that the content is useful and relevant, the fol- lowing link may be used to submit topics for the News and Events section of the MCCB Web- site: To ensure content is accurate and relevant, if you should notice an outdated item or non-functioning link, please use the following link to sub- mit the issue: .

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