HR Newsletters 2020
MCCB Wellness Days Initiative
January – December 2020 MCCB employees who visit their physicians for an annual wellness check will be given the op- tion to take personal leave or to work off-site the remainder of the day of the visit. Employ- ees must immediately submit documentation of the annual visit to Human Resources in order to participate in the provided option. February 2020 – January 2021 In addition, MCCB employees are provided 5 EAP visits per year. February 1 will begin the new period for 2020. MCCB employees who visit EAP will be provided the option to take per- sonal leave or to work off-site the remainder of the day of the visit. Employees must immedi- ately submit documentation of the EAP visit to Human Resources in order to participate in the provided option.
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