HR Newsletters 2020


Growth After Trauma

Dr. Krystal Thurman

W e are only half way through 2020 and have already confronted enough challenges to last us a lifetime. A pandemic that has caused the death of thousands, unprecedented unemployment, global economic down- turn, political partisanship, and nationwide protests have caused feelings of uncertainty, unease, helpless- ness, and concern, all of which has contributed to increased anxiety and stress among many. It seems un- likely that anyone would argue the fact that these last four months have been tumultuous and life altering. As Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, recently stated, “we find ourselves in the midst of great titanic struggles, hardships, and diffi- culties.”

In times like these, one might ponder whether any- thing good can come from the uncertainties we face. The answer is yes! According to psycholo- gists, we can reflect and grow from the challenges of today and the past few months. In fact, there is a name for this phenomenon – post-traumatic growth . According to Richard Tedeschi, professor of psy- chology emeritus at the University of North Caroli- na at Charlotte, “[w]e’ve learned that negative ex- periences can spur positive change, including a recognition of personal strength, the exploration of new possibilities, improved relationships, a greater appreciation for life, and spiritual growth. We see this in people who have endured war, natural disas- ters, bereavement, job loss and economic stress, serious illnesses and injuries. So despite the misery resulting from the coronavirus outbreak, many of us can expect to develop in beneficial ways in its aftermath (2020).”

Growth after trauma can happen naturally and without psychotherapy or other types of formal in- tervention. There are ways we can spur growth along in ourselves and our team. Those ways include: education, emotional regulation, disclosure, narrative development, and service.


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