HR Newsletters 2020
July Birthdays
September Birthdays 3 Shalon Farris 14 Missy Saxton 14 Shamiko Allen 14 Dr. Tony Chiang 22 Ray Smith 24 Dr. Micca Knox 30 Dr. Kimberly Jones
August Birthdays
4 Jim Miller 7 Dexter Holloway 7 Parks Graham 9 Shuronda Common 9 Emerald Bolls 11 Daphne Miller 12 Johna Peyton 15 Michael Mozee 17 Jenny Kern 17 Shelby Gann 18 Austin Smith 19 Dr. Angenette Dixon 20 Dr. Angela Payne 25 Dr. Valeria Williams
10 Kenneth Wheatley 15 Dr. Rachel DeVaughan 17 Russell Shaw 21 Dr. Erin Eaton 23 Jacob Goodwin 26 Dr. Shawn Mackey 29 Farrah Appleberry
Want two free movie tickets?? Answer these questions below. One winner will be selected at random! Most answers can be found in this issue!
Submit your responses to - no later than Wednes- day, July 10 — 5 pm. Drawing to be held July 13.
1. Name one thing you have learned about yourself during this pandemic. 2. According to Richard Tedeschi, what do we learn from negative experiences?
3. What is the safety theme for July? 4. What is the name of Viktor’s wife? 5. What is the date for MCCB Convocation?
TRIVIA ANSWERS 2nd Quarter 2020
1. 6 ft. 2. Dr. Scott Bailey
Take a look at the MCCB FLICKER with/72157710989533543 Mark Jenkins
3. Varies 4. Varies 5. Raul Fletes
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