HR Newsletters 2020
WHAT’S NEW? Mississippi Community College Board’s Expanding Capacity for Effectiveness and Leadership (ExCEL) Program
ExCEL, which stands for Expanding Capacity for Effectiveness and Leadership , will provide professional devel- opment to MCCB staff members who are interested in management and leadership roles within the agency.
As a result of this program, participants will: enhance their understanding of internal matters of MCCB and public agencies; learn more about external matters pertaining to management of people and processes; have a greater understanding of their individual strengths and areas for improvement; and understand the requirements of a management-level position; develop and practice leadership and management skills.
This is a competitive training program that accepts two (2) participants per year. Applicants must meet the following criteria: Meets the development goals of the current performance year Has not had any disciplinary actions in the current performance year Has been employed with the agency for at least one year Has an interest in working in a management-level position
Applications will be accepted from November 2, 2020 to November 27, 2020. Program selection decisions will be made by December 4, 2020.
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