HR Newsletters 2020

October Birthdays 4 Wanda Johnson 7 Beverlin Givens 14 Yolanda Brown

November Birthdays

December Birthdays

1 Ayanna Lipsey 3 Jamie Anderson 5 Tammy Rutland 6 Beth Little 11 Shanudra Forman

12 Dr. Kim Verneuille

15 LaKita Scott 17 Carla Causey

18 Bronwyn Robertson 18 Dr. Krystal Thurman 19 Tonya Neely 28 Dr. Scott Kolle

12 April May 21 Lisa Smith

23 Dr. LaRicky Harris 30 Dr. LaToya Sterling


Want two free movie tickets?? Answer these questions below. One winner will be selected at random! Most answers can be found in this issue!

Submit your responses to - no later than Friday, Oc- tober 9 — 5 pm. Drawing to be held October 12.

1. List the Zones of Regulation. 2. List a self-paced course offered by MSVCC. 3. Fitness matters, wellness _______________? 4. According to Dr. Robinson’s Strategic Plan review—What is one best practice to consider with MCCB’s strategic plan? 5. Which employment policy was highlighted this month?

TRIVIA ANSWERS 3rd Quarter 2020

1. Varies 2. Positive change... 3. UV Safety 4. Tilly Grosser 5. August 28

Take a look at the MCCB FLICKER with/72157710989533543 Mark Jenkins


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