HR Newsletters 2021

November Birthdays 6 Beth Little 21 Lisa Smith 30 Dr. LaToya Sterling

October Birthdays 7 Beverlin Givens 14 Yolanda Brown 17 Carla Causey 18 Bronwyn Robertson 18 Dr. Krystal Thurman 28 Dr. Scott Kolle

December Birthday(s)

12 Dr. Kim Verneuille


Want two free movie tickets?? Answer these questions below. One winner will be selected at random! Answers can be found in this issue!

Submit your responses to - no later than Thursday, Decem- ber 9, 5 pm. Drawing to be held December 10.

1. What are the dates for Open Enrollment? 2. What resource will you take advantage of and when? 3. What time does HR Connect Over Coffee begin? 4. Have you reviewed your performance goals? 5. Find leaves that read ‘the end’—list the page.

TRIVIA ANSWERS 3rd Quarter 2021

1. What is heard 2. Learning proper work proce- dures 3. Stay home/report to supervi- sor 4. 9:00 AM 5. September 1

Take a look at the MCCB FLICKER with/72157710989533543 Mark Jenkins


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