HR Newsletters 2021

If you live in a household with someone who tests positive, you need to quarantine for 14 days.

 Consider testing for COVID following your exposure even if you do not have symptoms. If you go in for testing, please let your healthcare provider know you have been exposed.

 Check your temperature and self-assess for symptoms twice a day.

 If you have symptoms, contact your healthcare provider for evaluation and testing if indicated.

 7 Day Plus Test Option: If you test positive and have had no symptoms for 7 days and have had a negative test result with any form of molecular based testing for the detection of COVID RNA collected on day 5, 6, or 7 of your quarantine period, you can stop quarantine after 7 days and return to work. Quarantine must be at least 7 days after exposure regardless of a negative test result.

Employees who choose the 7 Day Plus Test Option will wear a mask according to MCCB COVID protocols (including while at their work station), have symptoms and temperature monitored, and physically/socially distance for a full 14-day peri- od.

Important information about telework and leave :

At this time, MCCB will not return to a full-telework environment. Based on the duties and responsibilities of your position, you may be allowed to telework during your quarantine. However, telework is only authorized if you are quarantining due to exposure or you are asymptomatic. You should continue to self-quarantine at home during quarantine. As always, it is up to you and your Director to monitor the hours worked and tasks/responsibilities completed while teleworking.

Governor Reeves’ Executive Order No. 1495, effective 1 July 2020, rescinded the administrative leave provisions in Paragraph 7 of Executive Order 1460. As a result, there is no administrative leave for COVID related quarantines.

If you are COVID positive, you will be charged personal leave for the first 8 hours that you are absent due to COVID/quarantine followed by medical leave. If you do not have personal leave, then you will be charged non-paid leave for 8 hours followed by medical leave.

If you are out of the office for more than 32 hours, then you will be required to send a note from a doctor. (For example, if you are out for a work week then you would lose 8 hours of paid leave, 32 hours of medical leave, and would need to send in a doctor’s note Friday morning.)

Expanded FMLA is available for employees whose children or individuals they care for have school, daycare, or another similar facility close due to COVD or transition to an online delivery method. Cynthia has the paperwork necessary for this option.

If you have questions, please contact your supervisor or Cynthia.



Kell Smith

Interim Executive Director


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