HR Newsletters 2022
Being Transformative — Jumpstart 2022
Craving a more focused direction this year?
Mental Take stock of the balance in your life. Be present, mindful, and intentional. What does this entail? (1. Time blocking—get away from the digital world, 2. Cele- brating tiny joys—whatever they may be, 3. Reflecting on your day—Journal, 4. Listening intently to yourself and your surroundings, and 5. Reducing distrac- tions). Are you carving out time to renew? What are your priorities? Are you sacrificing for the appropriate things or are you sacrificing the for the transient —evaluate the cost benefit. Try meditation. And importantly stop negative body talk. Value who you are and own yourself. If you want something better, you have the pow- er to make it happen. Physical Sit less and move more. Can’t say this enough. Stretch in the morning and throughout the day (set outlook reminders). Spend more time outside. Find a physical activity you enjoy (be about it). Eat more whole foods. Get quality sleep. Visit your doctor. Social Your environment influences all aspects of your life. What contributions are you individually making to enhance society? Whether realized or not, we all have a duty to improve the world in which we live. This is much more than reporting to work and paying taxes. Volunteer and/or start something that has meaning to you. Everything starts with an idea and action. Be it your action or inaction— there is an impact. Don’t hesitate to do your part. It all matters. Professional So the world of work has shifted yet again; as it should. For some, self-identity is tied to the work performed. Are you on track to meet your professional goals? If not, what are your barriers? As long as you are breathing, there is opportunity to achieve. Setbacks may occur, but should be viewed as challenges not a derail- ment. If learning something new is daunting—start small. Our LinkedIn learning platform offers countless opportunities to jumpstart/continue your journey of life -long learning. Lean In and Lean On—we are here to support you.
Welcome to the Mississippi Community College Board’s Human Resources newsletter. The goal of our newsletter is to provide staff with news and infor- mation about MCCB policy updates, Human Re- sources’ programs, and agency events. The newsletter is emailed to staff on a quarterly basis.
A message from Cynthia Jiles, Assistant Executive Director Office of Human Resources
Stay well and know we are working with you in mind.
1. Student Loans
The student loan payment extension has been pushed out through May 1, 2022.
The Limited Public Student Loan Forgiveness Waiver (PSLF) Waiver expires October 2022. Under this provision, borrowers may receive credit for payments that did not previously qualify for PSLF or TEPSLF. More information here. loan-cancellation-from-navient-settlement/?sh=570446c37ea4
2. Free Covid Testing
Home testing kit distribution - 4 per address—Now Available to Order
3. $15 Minimum Wage Requirement
Beginning January 30, 2022—all new federal contracts, renewals of contracts and extensions of existing contracts must comply with the $15 Minimum contract wage requirement.
Congratulations to TBD!
Submit your nominations. Which of your co-workers has been instrumental in accomplishing a task(s), goes above and beyond what is required, and without pause jumps in to the mix to get a process/project to completion?
Send your nominations to Missy Saxton—
MCCB Policy Review Standards of Conduct and Performance Policy 4.1 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND PERFORMANCE The Board staff members are expected to maintain work practices which reflect a commitment to excellence. This commitment should be demonstrated by job performance and compliance with professional standards as estab- lished by the policies and codes of ethics described in policies of this manual. Employee Work Schedules State law requires that all State offices be available to the public for services from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. To provide for maximum flexibility in scheduling employees, the Executive Director may develop modified flexible work schedules. Attendance Regular attendance is a basic condition of employment with the State of Mississippi and MCCB and shall be consid- ered among the essential elements for all permanent position classifications. All employees must report to and leave work at the time designated by their employers. Anticipated absence from work is to be arranged with the employ- ee’s supervisor in advance, and unexpected absences are to be reported promptly to the employee’s supervisor prior to the beginning of the employee’s work period. Diligence During Work Period All employees must apply themselves to their assigned duties during the full schedule for which compensation is be- ing received, except for reasonable time provided to take care of personal needs. The Board staff work day shall comply with the requirements of state law. The executive director is authorized to establish the most effective work schedule for staff members.
Research Analyst for Accountability
The Research Analyst for Accountability is responsible for collaborating across the agency, with community colleges, and with external partners to provide data management, analytics and technical support for quality institutional research functions and enrollment monitoring. The employee is responsible for collecting, re- searching, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data that are related to postsecondary academic, workforce enrollment, career and technical education, and national credentialing at the community colleges. The em- ployee will work collaboratively with all constituents and the MCCB staff to provide comprehensive service and support to the community college system. The employee must be self-motivated and must exercise sound, independent judgement in a dynamic environment with varying priorities requiring a high degree of teamwork, organizational skills, attention to detail, flexibility, discretion, confidentiality, and diplomacy. Work of the employee is subject to review of the Assistant Executive Director of Research and Effectiveness, to whom the employee is responsible.
February is Black History Month
A time of reflection in “celebration of the achievements of Black communities and honoring the significant role and impact on all facets of life and society throughout history.”
Here are a few resources and general reading:
Office of Minority Health: utm_campaign=fyi_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
National Education Association: resources
The Black Men’s Health Project utm_campaign=fyi_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
Smithsonian’s History Explorer
PBS Learning
AARP gclid=CjwKCAiAo4OQBhBBEiwA5KWu_8uGF1HmIJ5wic_0nsCbgQDwpvoWe1ZXIY9izxGZXW6rGsKYK8aj2hoCI7 EQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Did you know?
Receiving unwanted calls ? You can register your numbers on the Do Not Call list at no cost. If you’re inter- ested follow the link below: Scroll to the bottom, and on the right of the screen you’ll click on
Register your number and file your complaints.
There is also an app that lets you report unwanted calls on your phone “PSC No-Call Mobile.”
Lisa Smith
Please be advised . The Federal Government’s Transition from DUNS Number to New Unique Entity Identifier Will Occur on April 4, 2022 . By April of 2022, the federal government will stop using the DUNS number to uniquely identify entities.
Mississippi Today
Congratulations Dr. Shawn Mackey! The American Technical Education Association has formed a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force to increase di- versity in its membership and in the board of trustees. Dr. Mackey will serve as a member of the DEI Leadership Team.
Shout About Your Wins
Shout about your wins ( even if you are a quiet person ).
So, you are adding to processes and creating exciting new procedures. The next step is to make sure your peers know about your work. This, for many, can be the hardest step.
Tell your story. Frame your self-promotion as storytelling.
How to begin. Start with the three Gs. Be gracious, genuine and a giver. Being gracious is acknowledging the people you may have worked with, or having self-awareness of how and when to self-promote. Being genuine is being honest, open and vulnerable – and leaning into that insecurity. And being a giver is to try to frame self-promotion with advice – something that you learnt from that project that you could give to some- body else. That's a way to reposition self-promotion so you feel more comfortable doing it. It also helps ele- vate you as somebody that has expertise that should be listened to.’ Now the story. ‘If you reframe self-promotion as a form of storytelling, it's much easier. When you look at Nike, it's not self-promoting, it's storytelling. Write down what your bio is in three different ways. Each time you write it, you'll unearth different things that you can use to describe yourself. Maybe speaking about yourself in the third person or from behind a brand name feels more comfortable. Consider these questions. What do you want people to feel when you share your work? What story do you want your content to tell about yourself? Create two separate lists of what you do – and don't – want your content to be like. Then refer back to it.’ Do your research. What is driving the success of your counterparts? ‘Look at other people, platforms or businesses that resonate and that you connect with. Think: if I were to do something similar, what would it be? Don’t ignore Linkedin. You are encouraged to create a Linkedin account. It's a place where you can una- pologetically self-promote. Don’t just focus on the finished product. People like to see the unpolished version and the development of your growth. ‘It doesn't always have to be this finished perfect piece – people like seeing the evolution of it. What went wrong? What went well? What are the things I should avoid? Who are the people that are inspir- ing to you? What are the books that you've read? Where do you get your inspiration from? There are so many different elements that can help position you as an expert in your field; as somebody who really cares about their industry.
Courier. EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_01_06_12_45&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_79f91bf2c0-06332d6e03-413733134&mc_cid=06332d6e03&mc_eid=6bcccc22e6
Happy New Year! With the arrival of 2022, our efforts and offerings continue to evolve; we continue to find ways to respond to your feedback about training needs while providing opportunities to pathways of growth and development. Acknowledging these efforts, the Human Resources overarching theme for 2022 is “Unleashing Potential.”
For this first month of 2022, we focus on goals and the importance of holding yourself accountable.
In this world disrupted, we invite you to explore all avenues in identifying means to improve. We must con- tinue to transform how we provide services to our partners in a most effective manner. The impact is limit- less. Each of you have unrealized potential; our aim this year is to tap into that potential. Our aim is to increase engagement. Engagement helps to create a better work culture, reduce turnover, increase process owner- ship, and builds better relationships. Get ready.
2021 Professional Development Stats
The year 2021 was a busy year for webinars for MCCB. Here are just a few statistics from last year:
Total PD and Wellness sessions
Inaugural ExCEL
Inaugural Mentorship in tandem with ExCEL
Of that total were PD sessions 25
Professional Development
Of that total were C3 sessions 19
LinkedIn Learning
We look forward to the coming year! Your HR Team.
An Unusual, Yet Fruitful, Year
Dr. Krystal Thurman
2022 – New Year, New You! There is so much pressure in that statement. With each New Year comes the pressure of creating a New Year’s resolution. While the idea is inherently good, the thought of working to- wards a goal for the next 365 days is all-consuming. Several years ago, I decided not to bind myself to a New Year’s resolution. Resolutions are not a bad concept and many people benefit. However, my concern sur- rounds those who set lofty goals and miss the mark only to find themselves riddled with anxiety, doubt, and or a sense of failure for not achieving what they had planned. I can relate because I fall into the latter catego- ry. An interesting podcast from January 5, 2022 by Harvard Business Review’s Kelsey Alpaio, Christine Liu, and Elainy Mata, shares new ways to think about personal transformation in lieu of setting one big New Year’s resolution. The authors suggest: Tip 1: Create “fresh starts” - This means setting monthly and short-term goals that are achievable. Month- ly goals will keep you motivated for a longer duration. This is a suitable time to insert a shameless plug for the LinkedIn Learning Challenges! Tip 2: Frame to make it fun! – Consider your goals and look for ways to make it fun. An excellent example they gave was the adoption of eating more fruits and veggies for the health benefits. If you force yourself to eat salads and other veggies just for the health benefits, you may not reap much reward. You can bring more fun to the goal by seeking in season fruits and veggies to try. It becomes more of an adventure seeking experience simply by reframing the goal. Tip 3: Break goals into micro habits – This entails refining “lofty” goals into smaller, achievable habits. For example, (another shameless LinkedIn Learning plug) imagine setting a goal to study one entire course on LinkedIn Learning each month. That is an achievable goal; however, it feels lofty and even a bit vague. In- stead, create a goal to view five minutes of content each day. That is an easy, dare I say too easy, goal to set and to achieve. It is not intimidating and it can be done daily. Tip 4: Evaluate your resolutions – If you prefer to make resolutions, take a few minutes to evaluate them. Do they align with your values? Should you set aside one for now and return to it later in the year or next year? Apply SMART goal setting principles to whatever you decide. Tip 5: Consider the negative risks – You read that correctly. Setting goals that are too ambitious, too broad, or two vague can lead to tunnel vision. This suggests you become too focused on doing everything possible to achieve your goals and fail to focus on anything else. It is all about finding a healthy balance. There is merit in all the tips provided by Alpaio, Liu, and Mata. Personal and professional development and transformation do not happen without a concerted effort. Setting goals is a great start, you just need to make sure they are aligned to your values and needs and are achievable. Did not set a goal at the start of 2022? That is ok! Transformation can begin at any time.
Reference: Alpaio, K., Liu, C., and Mata, E. (2022) It’s Time to Rethink New Year’s Resolutions. Harvard Busi- ness Review.
You have Access . Don’t miss an opportunity.
Discounted tuitions
MS Community Colleges Delta State Faulkner University
LinkedIn Learning
MSVCC Academy
State Personnel Board Learning Management System
ExCEL Class of 2022
Graduation Ceremony ExCEL Class of 2021
Pictured: (from left to right) Upper left—Cynthia Jiles, AED HR; Dr. Krys- tal Thurman, Dir. Of PD; Kell Smith, Interim Executive Director; Jim Mil- ler, ExCEL graduate; John Pigott, MCCB Board Chairman. Lower right—Dr. Sheriece Robinson, ExCEL graduate.
How we are focused on moving you forward.
Recent ExCEL graduate reviews: MCCB’s ExCEL Training Program was an enriching experience for me. The program provided internal and external exchanges through training and mentoring sessions, case studies, independent study, tours/visits, and observations. Throughout the program, I explored and applied insights gained through experiential and practical experiences. I also enhanced my knowledge in leadership principles, self-awareness, social and political awareness, and the processes for accountability and performance measures. These elements broadened my connection to the learning out- comes in a more practical manner as a future leader. I am thankful for all involved throughout the duration of the program. I appreciate the developers of this program (Cynthia Jiles and Dr. Krystal Thurman) and the mentors (Kell Smith, Dr. Andrea Mayfield, Dr. Rachel De Vaughan, Dr. Shawn Mackey, Jason Carter, Audra Dean, Dr. Krista LeBrun, Russell Shaw, and Ray Smith) for cultivating and contributing to the success of my learning experience. I am also appreciative for the teaching and guidance provided by the speakers/trainers (internal and external) which also refined my management and leadership skills. I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to serve as a participant in this training program, and I am thankful for MCCB for investing in me!
Dr. Sheriece Robinson
MCCB ExCEL was truly a transformative experience for me. Not only did the program equip me with new knowledge of best practices in management and leadership theory, it also vastly increased my understanding of my own innate strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to leverage those traits into more effective leadership. Further, the oppor- tunity to engage and network one-on-one with established leaders, both internal and external to the agency, provided real, firsthand feedback on how to be a more effective leader. I truly believe that the program was transformative for me as a member of the MCCB team!
Jim Miller
The Division of Human Resources is pleased to share the 2022 Quarter 1 Schedule. The theme this quarter is Innovation and Transformation. Calendar invitations will be sent to MCCB staff. Webinars will be recorded unless otherwise noted. Join us for these learning and engagement opportunities!
Tech Trends in 2022
Presenter : Dr . Marie Roberts Moderator: Dr. Krystal Thurman Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Time : TBA Location: Attendance : Voluntary Recorded : Yes
Join Dr. Marie Roberts, Instructional Technologist with Lauderdale County Schools, as she discusses the tech trends and innovations in 2022. Krewe of Canva - Perfecting the Craft
Presenters : Dr . Arianna Stokes and Dr. Christa Wilhite Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 Time : 11 :00 AM Location: Attendance : Voluntary Recorded : Yes This professional development session will demonstrate how to create professional graphics using Canva (not related to Canvas) with thousands of pre-created layouts, fonts, images, etc. This tool can help you create attractive graphics that meet your personal or professional needs. The facilitators will demonstrate the development process of two different types of graphics and include tips and tricks for ease of use. Facilitator : Cynthia Jiles Moderator: Dr. Krystal Thurman Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2021 Time : 9 :00 AM Location: Hybrid Session - 5 th Floor Conference Room & pwd=Q3JFUXQzMWp5UVA4NDJXRTMyNjVkQT09 Registration: Registration to attend in person is required and will be limited to the first 18 registrants. To regis- ter for in-person attendance, visit Attendance : Voluntary Recorded : Yes HR Connect Over Coffee is a virtual, quarterly, one-hour opportunity to discuss and clarify employee and workplace- related questions. Discussion topics will be driven by agency needs and your suggestions. If you have a topic in mind, or even a burning question, feel free to send it to and/or at least one day prior to the session. Everyone is encouraged to participate. There will be a one-hour time limit. No con- fidential matters will be discussed in the group forum. Some topics may require research and discussion for a later date. Additional guidelines will be provided at the start of the session. Come and go from the session as needed; we will be happy to see you . Grab your coffee (or other morning beverage) and sit with us for a bit while we have an open forum discussion about issues that matter to you! Speakers : Tony Jeff, Executive Director of Innovate Mississippi, Joe Donovan, MDA Director of Office for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Moderator: Dr. Krystal Thurman Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2022 Time : 10:30 AM Location: Attendance : Voluntary Recorded : Yes Join panelists Tony Jeff and Joe Donovan as they discuss transformational leadership, harnessing the power of innovation, and ways we can be transformative in our roles as state employees. A Q&A session will be includ- ed for all your innovation and transformation questions. HR Connect Over Coffee Town Hall: Innovation and Being Transformative
Healthy Heart Presenter: Baptist Health Physician
Date: To be announced Time: To be announced Location: Recorded: Yes
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), February is American Heart Month, a time when all people can focus on their cardiovascular health. In February, we will learn more about heart health from a Baptist Health physician. The date and time for this session will be announced soon!
PERS and Retirement planning
Presenter: Barbara Coats, FICF, RICP, Million Dollar Round Table; Modern Woodmen of America Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: Recorded : Session will not be recorded.
Join Barbara Coats of Modern Woodmen of America as she discusses common mistakes by PERS members, tax- advantaged ways to save, key details about PERS and COLA, and social security benefits.
Healthy Spirit - MCCB Social Committee Bringing Fun and Engagement to All Presenters: Carla Causey (Chair) and MCCB Social Committee Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022 Time: 11:00 AM Location: Attendance: Voluntary Recorded: Yes
Join the Social Committee for a session about boosting your spirit through engagement. They will talk about plans for 2022 and reasons you should join the fun.
Planning Your Way to Health and Wellness Presenter: Astria Goolsby, Verve Health Station Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Attendance: Voluntary Recorded: Yes
For over 13 years, Astria has been dedicated to the fitness industry. With experience training general population, lim- ited mobility, children, and athletes, Astria has serviced north to south Mississippi. Providing training certification courses and being an Adjunct Instructor has earned her the recognition of finalist for nation's Trainer of the Year and 2018 January Trainer of the Month. Join her session to learn how you can create a health and wellness plan that caters specifically to your needs.
We recommend this LinkedIn Learning content!
Enhancing Team Innovation
Duration: ( 1 h 14m) Course link: Click this link Participation Not Required
Innovation is the key to any company's success. It sets you apart from the competition and feeds the pipeline for future growth. Learn how to incorporate innovation and creativity into your workplace, in this course with leadership coach Gemma Leigh Roberts. Gemma identifies the psychological tricks and best practices to help high-performing teams reach their innovative potential. Follow along and discover how to create a space for innovation to thrive, nurture new ideas, learn from challenges, and build room for experimentation and play. Using these tips, you can build high- performing teams that challenge the status quo and lead in a competitive market.
Thinking Creatively
Duration : ( 48m) Course Link: Click this link Participation : Not Required
While we often think of creativity as an inherent trait, anyone—whether they're an artist or an actuary—can learn how to be more creative. In this course, explore the different ways to learn creativity, and discover how to be more creative both on an individual basis and in a team setting. Instructor Drew Boyd shares the importance and power of creativity, goes over the barriers to creativity, and shows you some behaviors and techniques that can help you generate novel ideas or solutions to problems, as an individual. He covers ways to create a creativity dream team, facilitate effective group sessions for a better creative output, select the best ideas, and more.
Recharge Your Energy for Peak Performance
Duration : ( 51 m 41 sec) Course Link: Click this link Participation : Not Required
Our ability to be productive and perform at work is not based on the time we spend on each task, but the energy we bring to the time we have. In this course, learn how to boost your productivity by managing your energy more effec- tively. Instructor Heidi Hanna kicks off the course by discussing why energy management is crucial to your professional success, as well as how to craft an energy investment strategy for growth and sustainability. Heidi shares tips for an- choring your attention to what matters most, priming your brain to sleep, fueling wisely with proper nutrition, and cre- ating a seven-day recharge sprint. To wrap up, she details how to create a high-energy culture at work by energizing time management and seeking out quiet spaces and recharge stations in your environment.
Visit the MCCB Professional Development Canvas course to view existing Pocket PD videos.
Stay tuned for future announcements! As always, should you have any training needs or wishes, please con- tact
Happy Learning!
Mississippi Community College Board Professional Development 601-432-6528
Your feedback is encouraged. How can we better serve your wellness needs? Email:; or;;
Want an Medical Insurance Plan Deductible Reduction?
Follow the steps found here!
See the 2022 AHM Wellness Calendar here.
Have a healthy day!
Mississippi’s State & School Employee’s Life and Health Insurance Plan in partnership with ActiveHealth Man- agement.
We wear RED in support of HEART Health! Join us and show your sup- port. Wear RED every Friday during the month of February.
Covid Resources:
As of January 15, insurance companies and health plans are required to cover the costs of eight FDA- approved, over-the-counter at-home COVID-19 tests per insured individual per month.
Get the entire family involved—quality family fun.
MDWFP will be at the Spring Edition of the Mississippi Ag & Outdoor Expo at the Mississippi Trade Mart building from February 11-13! Stop by the booth and enjoy interactive activities for children, buy your hunting and fishing license, and pick up information about Mississippi's great outdoors.
Additional Fun Ideas!
1. Warm up around a pit fire 2. Have a DIY spa day 3. Play board games 4. Bake cookies 5. Research your family tree
1. Make a family scrapbook or time capsule 2. Try cross-stitching 3. Do a good deed 4. Take a winter hike 5. Make snowman pancakes 6. Make a mason jar snow globe 7. Have a movie marathon 8. Play obstacle course backyard games 9. Have a winter picnic 10. Visit a botanical garden 11. Go on a nature scavenger hunt 12. Make your own candles 13. Participate in a reading challenge
6. Have a PJ day 7. Dance it out
8. Donate blankets and coats 9. Write letters to relatives
10. Make homemade caramel popcorn 11. Treat the family with a hot cocoa bar 12. Practice yoga together 13. Take winter photos
Cynthia Jiles
Restore and Renew in 2022 Description:
Reshape your workout and mindset with this hybrid fusion class that will chase away boredom, light up your metabolism, and reset your mind. Combine Yoga, Pilates, strength training, cardio, and meditation to make the most of your time while challenging your muscles and mind in a new way. Enjoy this gift of movement to help you Restore & Renew in 2022!
Video is approximately 35 minutes.
Courtesy of Corporate Fitness Works
This is not, nor subsequent pages, are C3 or MCCB developed wellness session. Everyone taking part in the exercises demonstrat- ed in this video, does so at their own risk.
Fitness centers typically see a surge in attendance at the start of January, when millions of Americans resolve to get in shape by exercising more. By February, however, a large percent- age of gym-goers quit. Keep it going! Optimize your daily breaks with exercise and self-care.
Chair Cardio Fun & Fit class. (Zoom)
No experience needed. This is a fun, all levels, class that combines Aerobics/Dance, General Calisthenics, Lite Weight Lifting, Resistance band/ball, and Balance/Posture exercises.
Kick off the new year with streaming series featuring guided meditation, yoga, strength and cardio workouts, dance parties and more.
Research shows practicing gratitude can lessen feelings of stress and depression, reduce inflammation and lower blood pres- sure. It can also improve sleep and even slow brain aging. GET POINTERS
The 10 best home gyms
Best overall: Bowflex Home Gym Series
Best budget: Total Gym APEX
Best for beginners: Goplus Multifunction Home Gym System
Best portable home gym: BodyBoss 2.0
Best alternative option: TRX ALL-IN-ONE Suspension Training
Best functional trainer: HCI Fitness PTX Gym
Best multistation gym: Body-Solid EXM2500S Home Gym
Best with leg press: Powerline P2X Home Gym with Leg Press
Best for small spaces: Total Gym XLS
Best Smith machine: Marcy Smith Cage Workout Machine 20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=daily&utm_content=2022-01- 11&utm_term=interest_C&apid=30875165&rvid=af562699bfee6d7dd5a34280b722150851b8cad22bcfcd22e4079d057199a649#_noHeaderPrefix edContent
Let’s Stroll: Why You Should Walk After Eating
Walking after eating can help you unlock some major health benefits, like:
aiding digestion
managing blood sugar
regulating blood pressure
improving heart health
helping weight loss
improving sleep
Research shows that the optimal time to walk is right after your meal.
This is because your body is still trying to digest your food, so taking a walk at the same time can help it do its job, while aiding blood sugar management.
Short walks that break up the day seem to be best, so no need for a 5-hour hike following a large meal.
Walking about 10 minutes, 3 times a day is all it takes to get the benefits we’ve outlined.
If you eat about three meals a day and walk after each, this even gets you to the 30 minutes of exercise that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for optimal health.
Keep it slow. Walking too fast right after a meal can upset your stomach.
Full article can be read here: 20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=daily&utm_content=2022-01- 10&utm_term=interest_C&apid=30875165&rvid=af562699bfee6d7dd5a34280b722150851b8cad22bcfcd22e4079d057199a649#benefits
Let’s Do It!
Beginning March 1, 2022 Let’s walk (weather and schedule permitting)
about the campus every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Weather not permitting; schedule a Zoom and stretch.
Get the New Year started right—schedule your wellness visit.
MCCB Wellness Initiative MCCB employees who visit their physicians for an annual wellness check will be given the option to take per- sonal leave or to work off-site the remainder of the day of the visit. Employees must immediately submit documentation of the annual visit to Human Resources in order to participate in the provided option. In addition, MCCB employees are provided 5 EAP visits per year . The annual period begins February 1 of each year. MCCB employees who visit EAP will be provided the option to take personal leave or to work off-site the remainder of the day of the visit. Employees must immediately submit documentation of the EAP visit to Human Resources in order to participate in the provided option. There are two available EAP service provider options: American Fidelity: This service is provided via telephone. 1-800-295-8323 Access the informational flyer in the link below. and/or MEA:
MEA Cares: 1-800-844-6503 or 601-898-7520. This service can be accessed in-person or virtually.
January Birthdays
14 Shelika Hooker 16 Jason Carter
February Birthdays
2 Courtney Casabella 5 Dr. Krista LeBrun 12 Megan Akins
March Birthdays
7 Nikitna Barnes 13 Jeb Stuart 17 Sherriel Rush 21 Veronica Dunning 28 Cindy Goodin
Want two free movie tickets?? Answer these questions below. One winner will be selected at random! Answers can be found in this issue!
Submit your responses to - no later than Thursday, Decem- ber 9, 5 pm. Drawing to be held December 10.
1. How is your Wellness program ranked for the state? 2. What is the scheduled date for the PERS session? 3. What is a proposed time and date to walk about the campus? 4. List the EAP providers. 5. Find the beautiful white crested owl. 6. How can you show Heart Health support?
TRIVIA ANSWERS 4th Quarter 2021
1. Dec 6-8 2021 2. Various 3. 9 am 4. Yes or No 5. Page 9
GOOD EATS Jenne’ Claiborne’s Vegan Chickpea “Tuna” Sandwich
Cook Time: 5 minutes Prep Time: 5 minutes
Ingredients 1 (14—ounce) can salt-free chickpeas, drained And rinsed 1/4 cup vegan mayo or 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (more to taste)
Mashed avocado
or crushed red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon Dijon or whole-gran mustard
4 slices toasted bread, preferably sourdough Or Ezekiel
1 1/2 tablespoons ume plum vinegar
4 leaves romaine or kale
1 teaspoon dulse seaweed (optional)
1 ripe tomato, sliced
2 teaspoons of celery seeds
1/4 red onion, very thinly sliced
1 celery rib, chopped
Preparation Place the chickpeas, vegan mayo, mustard, vinegar, dulse, celery seeds, celery, black pepper and cay- enne pepper into a food processor. Pulse a few times until incorporated and minced. Careful not to over-blend; you shouldn't be pulsing more than 20 seconds.
Lightly toast your bread, then fill each sandwich with lettuce, chickpea "tuna" mash, tomato and onion.
If you plan on packing the sandwich for later, wrap it tightly in parchment paper to keep the filling in- tact.
Employment Regulations, Employment Policies, SMARTSHEET, FMLA, FLSA, Work- ers Compensation, Professional Development, COVID-19 Response, etc.
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