HR Newsletters 2022

MCCB Policy Review Standards of Conduct and Performance Policy 4.1 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT AND PERFORMANCE The Board staff members are expected to maintain work practices which reflect a commitment to excellence. This commitment should be demonstrated by job performance and compliance with professional standards as estab- lished by the policies and codes of ethics described in policies of this manual. Employee Work Schedules State law requires that all State offices be available to the public for services from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. To provide for maximum flexibility in scheduling employees, the Executive Director may develop modified flexible work schedules. Attendance Regular attendance is a basic condition of employment with the State of Mississippi and MCCB and shall be consid- ered among the essential elements for all permanent position classifications. All employees must report to and leave work at the time designated by their employers. Anticipated absence from work is to be arranged with the employ- ee’s supervisor in advance, and unexpected absences are to be reported promptly to the employee’s supervisor prior to the beginning of the employee’s work period. Diligence During Work Period All employees must apply themselves to their assigned duties during the full schedule for which compensation is be- ing received, except for reasonable time provided to take care of personal needs. The Board staff work day shall comply with the requirements of state law. The executive director is authorized to establish the most effective work schedule for staff members.


Research Analyst for Accountability

The Research Analyst for Accountability is responsible for collaborating across the agency, with community colleges, and with external partners to provide data management, analytics and technical support for quality institutional research functions and enrollment monitoring. The employee is responsible for collecting, re- searching, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data that are related to postsecondary academic, workforce enrollment, career and technical education, and national credentialing at the community colleges. The em- ployee will work collaboratively with all constituents and the MCCB staff to provide comprehensive service and support to the community college system. The employee must be self-motivated and must exercise sound, independent judgement in a dynamic environment with varying priorities requiring a high degree of teamwork, organizational skills, attention to detail, flexibility, discretion, confidentiality, and diplomacy. Work of the employee is subject to review of the Assistant Executive Director of Research and Effectiveness, to whom the employee is responsible.


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