HR Newsletters 2023
January Birthday
16 Jason Carter
February Birthdays
5 Dr. Krista LeBrun 12 Megan Akins
March Birthdays
7 Nikitna Barnes 13 Jeb Stuart 21 Veronica Dunning 28 Cindy Goodin
Want two free movie tickets?? Answer these questions below. One winner will be selected at random! Most answers can be found in this issue!
Submit your responses to - no later than Friday, January 13, 2023—5 pm. Drawing to be held January 17.
1. Who is our agency partner that provides CPR training for MCCB staff? 2. If learning something new is daunting—start __________________? 3. How many Smartsheet links are included in this newsletter? 4. Are you familiar with MCCB EAP? 5. When was the last time you recognized a co-worker’s accomplishment (s)? 6. Why are women more prone than men to be injured in car accidents?
You are encouraged to submit personnel and division information
for quarterly publication.
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