HR Newsletters 2023

Question of the Quarter

Why are women more likely to be injured in a car crash than men?

Surprising Answer: Because there aren’t any good female crash dummies.

That is correct “women are 73 percent more likely to be injured and 17 percent more likely to die in a vehicle crash than men. But vehicle manufacturers aren’t required to use female dummies in crash tests, so most don’t. And if they do, it’s infrequently and the dummies’ physical makeups only represent a very small percentile of the female population.“

Long story short: Ladies, please wear your seatbelt.

Government Technology 20Today&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=238240020&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_LQgw6xLekRyR6uVkNxrLzJHu0qmEodRC_o8YCRhOwa7SmppcD7TH47oT2emecRzzfumgnoMbx8BKGMg4N- EmsUYvU5A&utm_content=238240020&utm_source=hs_email


A bad apple.

 People who deliberately speed. They know there is a speed limit and consciously (not accidentally through a mo- mentary lapse of thought) and deliberately speed.  People who walk straight past a sign that says no dogs allowed or no fishing but do it anyway, because they can’t be bothered to find an appropriate area to fish or walk their dogs.  People who park in a disabled spot at a supermarket because they have less distance to walk, and it is more con- venient, presumably thinking, “Why should disabled people get all the good spots?”  People who take their dog for a walk and don’t pick up the animals’ droppings.  People who can’t be bothered going to a trash can, so they throw litter or cigarette butts out of their car win- dows. These examples are mostly minor, but they are indicators of people who already have a disregard for compliance and the rules of society. Somehow, their behavior has to be magically changed when they enter work life with the expec- tation of following policy or procedures. Selfishness contributes to unethical behavior and is the source of many cases of non-compliance. Perform a self-check to ensure you are not part of the problem. Ethical behavior is based on shared principles and the values of society. This permeates into policy compliance and can influence others. Don’t allow questionable actions to go unchecked and make sure you are setting the example that will enhance a culture of compliance, equity and belonging.


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