Human Resources Newsletters
A big shout of encouragement for our two Paul Lacoste Sports participants! Nikitna Barnes and Matthew Riley Keep moving forward as you enter the home stretch!
As we await the BCBS Grant decision, the C3 Ambassadors would like to encourage you to continue your journey of wellness. Strive to live a healthy mental, physical, and fi- nancial life. Wellbeing from a holistic approach adds bal- ance and stability to all aspects of daily life. Keep calm, stretch, and EXERCISE!
Shana Hansen
Disclaimer: This newsletter mention of Paul Lacoste in no way endorses the Paul Lacoste program.
Walk Your Way to Wellness—”Can you boost your memory by walking backward?”
According to a Harvard University study published in a recent issue of Cognition , “people who walked backward, imagined they were walking backward, or even watched a video simulating backward motion had better recall of past events than those who walked forward or sat still.” The study was designed to test the effects of motion on memory. The researchers found that study participants had better information recall when moving backward and the boost in memory lasted an average of 10 minutes after movement stopped. According the article, backward motion could be added to our existing techniques for memory re- call. For example, a method called cognitive interview is intended to metaphorically walk people through an event. Such activities assist in a more accurate recall of information. The researchers determined that walk- ing backward could have a similar effect on the brain. While it is still too early to understand whether this technique has practical applications, it is worth consideration. The next time you are trying to recall a memory, consider walking backward. If nothing else, it will make hallway interactions more fun! See the full article at
Dr. Krystal Thurman
1. Internal inventory audit—Tentative May 2019 (TBD) 2. New website development (Reveal mid-year 2019) 3. Newsletter submissions requests—We want to know you better! “What’s Your Story?”
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