Human Resources Newsletters
Welcome Aboard –
Sound Bite 11 Ways to Be More Effective at Work 1. Trim Your Task List 2. Swap Your To-Do List for a Schedule 3. Stay Organized 4. Change Your Self-Talk 5. Make Bad Habits More Difficult to Indulge 6. Prioritize 7. Plan Tomorrow Tonight 8. Use Idle Time to Knock Out Admin Tasks 9. Schedule Meetings with Yourself 10.Communicate and Clarify 11. Find More Ways to Do More of the Work You Enjoy
Dear New MCCBers:
It is our pleasure to welcome you to MCCB!! We have enjoyed meeting you and look forward to opportunities to become better acquainted.
Shamiko Allen Jasmine Baker Jennifer Bell Lisa Bonds Kenecha Brooks-Smith Erica Buxton
Carla Causey Tony Chiang Shuronda Claiborne Victoria Davis Veronica Dunning – July 16
Patti Fleming Marilyn Griffin Robin Griffith Carl Henderson Lajuna Ivory Dr. Scott Kolle Jowanda Magee April May Falana McDaniel Ashley Mitchell Tunga Otis Tonya Pickens Steven Randle Alexas Rayford Melissa Readus Sheriece Robinson
Upcoming Events –
Trustees Conference Biloxi, MS
July 12-13
Professional Development(s) FISH Philosophy Workforce Summer Conference
July 19
August 2-3 August 16
Jevelyn Smith Theresa Tate Lisa Smith
Leadership Skills
Dealing w/Difficult People TEAM BUILDING EVENT
September 20
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