Human Resources Newsletters
Second Quarter*2018
MCCB Human Resources Quarterly Newsletter
Cynthia Jiles
We Care About Your Needs
Message from Human Resources
10 Good Leadership Questions To Ask Yourself
By Brad Lomenick
Featured In This Issue
1. What’s it like to be on the other side of me? Are others around me flourishing? 2. How can I improve? Am I looking for opportunities to lead? 3. Who currently has permission to call me out and say the hard things to me that I need to hear? 4. How do I respond in moments of crisis? Do I chew people out when something is not done right? 5. Am I truly self aware? Where/what are my blind spots in my leadership? Am I a secure confident leader? 6. Do I talk more than I listen? 7. What do I need to learn from my most recent failures? 8. How do I lead people who have different approaches than me? 9. Am I comfortable surrounding myself with people who are better at their jobs than I am? 10. Who else should I be learning from? Who is currently coaching or mentoring me?
HR Message
Employee of the Quarter
Best Wishes
Upcoming Events
Wellness Message
Sound Bite
11. BONUS: Who am I grooming/coaching to replace me in my current role?
Best Wishes!
Leadership= Service to Others
Fixture: By definition , this is something or in our case someone that is known to be in a place…steady, a landmark.
Deborah Gilbert – our fixture, our landmark of MCCB leadership.
Employee of the Quarter
Thank you, Deborah.
Thank you for providing us with a true example of servant leadership. You have worked in earnest as one of the state’s top examples of good stewardship. You are the gold standard for integrating MCCB’s core values while continuously working to achieve the mission of this agency.
Best to you in your future endeavors – you certainly deserve late morning and early evenings!
Deborah Gilbert
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