IHL Update
SHAWN MACKEY, SR. Dr. Shawn Mackey, Sr. was born and raised in Silver Creek, Mississippi, where he learned early in life that hard work and perseverance has its rewards. Dr. Mackey attended Delta State University. He takes great pride in being a three time graduate of Delta State University (go FightingOkra) with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice (1997), a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (1997), and a Master’s Degree in Social Science Education (2000). Dr. Mackey continued to prepare for the future he envisioned for himself by obtaining his Doctorate of Education Degree from the University of Memphis in the area of Higher Education Administration (2008). Dr. Mackey is a champion for justice both personally and professionally and has worked in higher education for over twenty years, serving as a senior teammember at the Mississippi Community College Board for the last fifteen. In his current role as Deputy Executive Director of Accountability at the Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB), he oversees a multimillion dollar budget and supervises Athletics, Research and Effectiveness, Monitoring, and Resource Development. Since 2018, Dr. Mackey has served on the Board of Mississippi’s Authority for Educational Television, commonly known as Mississippi Public Broadcasting (MPB). He was elected to serve as Chair in October 2022. One of Dr. Mackey’s proudest professional achievements was completing the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy (MCCLA) in 2009 and traveling to the United Kingdom to study and evaluate the community college system in London and Wales. In September 2022, he added author to his list of accomplishments with the release of his first book- Her Battle, His Lessons, Our Journey. The book is an autobiographical work detailing the difficult journey he shared with his wife as she battled triple-negative breast cancer. Dr. Mackey is an entrepreneur and the founder of SCM Consulting & Investments, LLC, a property renovation and management company, and a proudmember of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. He enjoys traveling the world, golfing, riding motorcycles, and competition barbecue cooking. He believes in the power of faith, family, love, and laughter. Above all, he takes the greatest pride in being the husband of Dr. Teresa Mackey and the father of three boys: Christopher, Shawn, Jr., and Matthew. ANGELA PAYNE Dr. Angela Payne is the Assistant Executive Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness for the Mississippi Community College Board. Angela has dedicated her higher education career to the community college system. A former chief admissions officer, she has led in a variety of student services areas that support the entire student lifecycle. Her diverse leadership experience includes college admissions, recruitment, orientation, Veteran/military services, student life and leadership, international student admissions/services, college placement and assessment services, dual credit/enrollment/early college, evening college, college customer relations, and academic/career advising. She has additional knowledge in financial aid/scholarships, adjunct faculty relations, college marketing, workplace diversity, workforce training and grant writing. Angela has extensive knowledge and research experience in statewide articulation policy development and implementation. She has consulted with colleges and universities on transfer policy and enrollment management strategies. She has also presented her research to national and state audiences. With a passion for P-20 policy research and analysis, she works with state and national leaders on data trends for college readiness, success, and completion. Angela has informationmanagement consulting experience that includes Fortune 100 clientele in both the energy and education sectors. She has been an adjunct instructor using online, hybrid and traditional modalities for Legal Environment of Business, Introduction to Business Management, Social Ethics, and Leadership Development courses. She earned her executive PhD in Urban Higher Education from Jackson State University. Her undergraduate studies were completed at Texas A&M University Commerce. She graduated from the University of Dallas, having earned a MBA in Contract Management .
Understanding the Statewide FTEFunding Formula
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