MCCB Employee Handbook 2019
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Compensatory Time
When required due to the needs of the agency, you may be asked to work overtime. Nonexempt employees will be provided overtime compensation as compensatory hours (MCCB Policy 4.8) at the rate of one and one half their regular rate of pay for all hours over 40 actually worked in a single workweek. Paid leave, such as holiday, PTO, bereavement time, and jury duty does not apply toward work time. All overtime work must be approved in advance by a supervisor or manager.
Section 6 - Leaves And Absences
Title: Compensatory Time
Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992 Revision Date : August 16, 2002; May 20, 2016
Code Number: 6.8
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Compensatory leave is administered in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and the regulations promulgated by the U. S. Department of Labor (hereinafter referred to as “DOL”).
1. Compensatory leave shall be administered according to Mississippi Code Annotated Section 25-3-92 (1) (1972).
Compensatory leave shall be awarded to professional “exempt” staff of the Board at an accrual rate equal to the amount of time worked. No compensatory leave will be awarded unless prior approval of the Executive Director or an Associate Executive Director is obtained, as is appropriate. Compensatory leave will be awarded when it is essential that a Board employee work or travel after normal working hours such as:
a. b. c.
Time worked on Saturday, Sunday and state Holidays.
Time worked at night meetings
Other times as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director.
Use of compensatory leave is subject to prior approval of the Executive Director. Employees who work overtime without prior approval may be subject to disciplinary actions.
Compensatory leave may be used for those purposes for which personal leave may be used except that compensatory leave may not be used in lieu of personal leave or leave without pay for the first day of an illness of an employee.
FLSA Compensatory Leave
MCCB employees in positions which have been classified “non-exempt,” as defined in the federal regulations promulgated by DOL pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (hereinafter referred to as “FLSA”), may receive compensatory time at a rate of not less than one and one-half hours for each hour worked over forty hours in a workweek as defined in DOL regulations, instead of cash overtime pay. MCCB employees in positions that have been classified as “exempt” under DOL regulations may receive compensatory time earned under FLSA only when they perform duties of a “non-exempt” position on an emergency and temporary basis. There are limits on the extent to which the non-exempt employee may continue to accrue compensatory time. The limit of earned compensatory time under the FLSA for most non-exempt employees is 240 hours. If a non-exempt employee who is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act accrues more than 240 hours of compensatory time, the additional hours will be paid. MCCB employees should consult the Human Resources Office to confirm the status of their position under the FLSA, when their DOL workweek begins and ends, and to determine the limit of compensatory time, which may be earned for their position under the FLSA. An FLSA classification analysis will be documented and maintained for all agency positions. MCCB employees are to use compensatory time earned pursuant to the FLSA prior to the use of accrued personal or agency compensatory time. Further, non-exempt employee are to take FLSA compensatory time off when the employee’s compensatory time earned under the FLSA has reached the limit allowed under the regulations, as stated above.
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