MCCB Employee Handbook 2019
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Section 6 - Leaves And Absences
Title: Personal Leave
Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992
Revision Date : November 19, 1999; May 20, 2016
Code Number: 6.1
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Personal leave is granted to full-time employees after one month of continuous service at a rate of 12 hours per month (accrued). Personal leave is accrued at this rate through the end of the third year of service. At the beginning of the fourth year of service through the end of the eighth year of service, personal leave shall be accrued at a rate of fourteen (14) hours per month. At the beginning of the ninth year of service through the end of the fifteenth year of service, personal leave shall be accrued at a rate of sixteen (16) hours per month. Employees who have in excess of fifteen years of service shall accrue personal leave at a rate of eighteen (18) hours per month. Part-time employees earn personal leave on a pro-rata basis.
Personal leave shall be credited at the end of the period in which it is earned and may not be used in advance of accrual. It may be taken upon approval of written request by the employee after it has been accrued.
Other leave policies are as follows:
1. Personal leave may be used for vacations and personal business as scheduled by the Executive Director or his/her designee and shall be used for illnesses of the employee requiring absences of one (1) day or any portion of a day. Personal leave may also be used for an illness in the employee's family. 2. Personal leave shall be cumulative and there shall be no limit to the accumulation of personal leave. An employee transferring from another state agency or another approved entity without a break in service shall be given credit for unused leave. 3. Accrued personal leave, with the exception of personal leave used for the illness of the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family, shall be scheduled and granted at such time as will assure continuity and efficiency of office operations. 4. Upon termination of employment, each employee will be paid for not more than thirty (30) working days of accrued personal leave. Accrued personal leave in excess of thirty (30) days shall be counted as creditable service for the purposes of the retirement system. At no time will an employee be paid for accrued personal leave while still employed by the Board. 6. Personal leave may accumulate while an employee is on authorized and approved personal, major medical, administrative, or military leave. Personal leave cannot accumulate while an employee is on leave without pay. 7. Equivalent compensation for unused accrued personal leave shall be paid, in addition to compensation earned, to the designated beneficiary or estate of a deceased employee or, in the absence of such designations, to the beneficiary of such employee as recorded with the Public Employee's Retirement System. 8. When a termination date has been administratively established so as to permit an employee to take accrued personal leave, the pay status of the employee shall not be extended for the purpose of granting any non- work days occurring during the period of terminal leave. Such non-work days are those which are legally or administratively declared holidays. 5. Official state holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays are not chargeable to personal leave when such days fall within a period in which personal leave may be taken.
9. Personal leave may be used to supplement major medical leave.
10. Personal and/or major medical leave may be transferred from one state employee to another in the event of catastrophic illness, according to the stipulations as defined in Code Section 25-3-95.
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