MCCB Policies and Procedures Manual (6.21.19)

Section 7: Business Management


Title: Acceptable Use Policy for Technology

Initial Date of Adoption: June 8, 2004


Revision Date: September 2006; October 15, 2010; May 20, 2016

Code Number: 7.11

Page: 1 of 2

Acceptable Use Policy for Technology MCCB is dedicated to providing the best possible service to MCCB customers and is committed to ensuring that the information systems resources of the State and MCCB are used appropriately for the purposes they are intended. This policy governs the use of all computers, computer-based communications networks, and all related equipment administered by MCCB. A user is defined as any person employed by MCCB, which includes fulltime, part-time, temporary, contract employees, persons who are employed by contractors or subcontractors of MCCB, and any other individuals who are authorized to use agency equipment and information systems. The electronic communications and facilities of MCCB are the property of the State and by using these facilities the user acknowledges consent to abide by this policy. These facilities and resources are to be used for state business purposes. The user should be aware that any communications or use of the MCCB information systems resources are not to be considered private or confidential and can be monitored at any time. No encryption should be utilized for any purpose without prior written approval of the Director of Information Services. All users are hereby notified that system security features allow any messages or usage to be monitored and archived regardless of passwords and message deletions, and computer use is subject to search and monitoring at any time. Access can be traced back to the individual. SOFTWARE:  Software - including but not limited to Internet downloads, utilities, add-ins, programs (including shareware, freeware, and Internet access software), patches, upgrades, or clip-art—shall not be installed on any desktop, notebook personal computer (PC), or server by anyone other than a representative of the Information Services Division of MCCB, without notification to the Information Services Division via e-mail. All software purchased for use on MCCB equipment must be approved by the Director of Information Services. The agency’s network contains software that performs an inventory of each PC on a regular basis.  Software owned or licensed by MCCB may not be copied to alternate media, distributed by e-mail, transmitted electronically, or used in MCCB original form on other than MCCB PCs without express written permission from the Information Services Division. In no case is the license agreement or copyright to be violated.  Standard software is to be used for all internal functions. Approved non-standard software is only to be used to interface with customer or vendor organizations when they require the non-standard software.  Software licensed to MCCB is to be used for MCCB intended purpose according to the license agreement. Employees are responsible for using software in a manner consistent with the licensing agreements of the manufacturer. License agreements are maintained by the Information Services Division. HARDWARE:  All PCs, workstations, printers, add-in cards, memory modules, tablets, and other associated equipment are the property of the State of Mississippi and should not be used for purposes other than State business. No changes, modifications, additions, or equipment removals may be done without prior notification to the Information Services Division. Except for tablets and notebook PCs used in daily offsite work, no information systems equipment should be removed from MCCB premises without the permission of the employee's supervisor.  Laptops and projectors are available for checkout by anyone in the agency, via policies and procedures coordinated by the Information Services Division. PRACTICES:  No materials are to be disseminated in any manner which is derogatory to any person or group, obscene, racist, sexist, harassing, or offensive based on color, religion, creed, national origin, age, or disability.  Use of the system for illegal acts or to view or download sexually explicit material is strictly forbidden.  System identification codes and passwords are for the use of the specifically assigned user and are to be protected from abuse and/or use by unauthorized individuals.  All portable drives, e-mail attachments, and executable e-mail messages are automatically scanned for viruses using the virus detection software installed on all MCCB computer workstations that have been configured by the Information Services Division. If an employee has made any configuration changes to his/her workstation, even with the approval of the Information Services Division, it is his/her responsibility to ensure virus protection prior to opening/executing portable drives, e-mail attachments, or executable e-mail messages.  Like all MCCB information systems resources, Internet access and e-mail are for work-related use. Access and sites visited can and will be monitored at the user level.  Employees may not use MCCB information systems resources for soliciting, personal financial gain, partisan political activities, or further disseminating “junk” e-mail such as chain letters.

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