MCCB Policies and Procedures Manual (6.21.19)

Section 7: Business Management


Title: Inventory/Office Management Policy

Initial Date of Adoption: November 18, 2016


Code Number: 7.14

Page: 1

Revision Date:

INVENTORY/OFFICE MANAGEMENT Employee Use of Assigned MCCB Inventory

State employees have no ownership rights in or control of State property, which is defined to include all office space, space adjacent to the workplace controlled by the State or State agency, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and inventory including without limitation, all computer software, databases, servers, computer hardware, discs, and information of any kind contained in or recorded on physical or electronic data sources of any kind. Each MCCB employee has a general obligation to safeguard and make appropriate use of inventory/property owned by or accountable to the MCCB agency. This obligation includes but is not limited to:  Notifying the Property Officer of any movement of inventory/property  Exercising reasonable care in use to prevent damage and maintain the good condition of the assigned property  Exercising reasonable security measures to prevent theft or misuse of the assigned property  Reporting lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise impaired property to Property Officer Removal or reassignment of any inventory/property without following the proper procedures for transfer will constitute a disregard for policy and may result in disciplinary actions. Inventory forms are located in the Inventory Forms folder on the S: and Z: drives: Asset Assignment Form Transfer of Inventory Form Hand Receipt Form Equipment Report for: Missing or Stolen Property Office Management Miscellaneous items (books, papers, and discarded items) are not to be stored/left in vacant offices. Offices vacated by terminating employees are to remain locked in an effort to secure office-assigned inventory and maintain work-ready stations. Master office keys are to only be used by the person to whom they are assigned. They are not to be provided to staff without supervision and reasonable cause of need. CONSEQUENCES: Any user who knowingly and willingly violates this policy is subject to discipline, as set forth in Policy 2.8 of the Mississippi Community College Board Policies and Procedures Manual. Furthermore, in the event of an illegal activity, the user will also be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authority. If an employee has any questions regarding this policy or any situation not specifically addressed in this policy, the employee should see his/her supervisor. REVISION: This policy is subject to revision. MCCB will adequately post revisions, but it is the assignee’s responsibility to ensure that his/her use of MCCB resources conforms to current policy. I have received a copy of the MCCB Employee Inventory/Office Management Policy that was initially adopted by the MCCB Board on November 18, 2016. I agree to abide by the policy terms as a condition of my employment with the Mississippi Community College Board. Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________


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