MCCB Policies and Procedures Manual (6.21.19)
Section 3: Staff - Workplace
Title: Social Activities Fund
Initial Date of Adoption: November 19, 1999 Revision Date: Jan. 2002; October 15, 2004; May 20, 2016; December 9, 2016
Code Number: 3.7
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SOCIAL ACTIVITIES FUND The Mississippi Community College Board has established the following policies for the purposes of funding and planning appropriate social functions and occasions. (1) Social Committee The Social Committee will be composed of persons appointed by the Executive Director who are participating in the Social Fund. The committee will be responsible for scheduling and planning all social activities. (2) Participation All MCCB employees are encouraged to participate in the Social Activities Fund. These activities are conducted to allow MCCB staff an opportunity to get to know each other better and enjoy each other’s company. Due to the cost of these social activities, only staff members that contribute to the social fund will be allowed to participate. (3) Payroll Deductions Each participating employee will make monthly contributions of $2.00. The monthly contribution will be collected through payroll deductions and turned over to the secretary/treasurer no later than the fifth working day of the succeeding month. Checks will be signed by the secretary/treasurer and co-signed by the Executive Director or his/her designee. An accountant at MCCB will serve as secretary/treasurer. (4) Activities/Occasions The following activities may be paid for through the established fund: special holiday occasions (such as Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.), wedding or baby showers, retirement, employee of the quarter, and etc. Money coming from the fund may be used for food, beverages, decorations, deposits, equipment, and facility rental. In activities where gifts are purchased, the gifts will be funded separately through special donations by employees. If there is extra money available in the fund, it may be used for other activities at the discretion of the committee.
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