MCCB Policies and Procedures Manual (6.21.19)

Section 5 - Leaves And Absences Title: Major Medical Leave

MISSISSIPPI COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992 Revision Date : November 19, 1999; May 20, 2016


Code Number: 5.2


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9. Unused major medical leave shall be accounted as creditable service for the purpose of the State Employees' Retirement System. 10. Cases of chronic absence or apparent abuse of major medical leave provisions will be reviewed by the Executive Director to determine what disciplinary action, if any, will be taken. 11. Personal and/or major medical leave my be transferred from one state employee to another in the event of catastrophic illness, according to the stipulations as defined in Code Section 25-3-95.

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