MCCB Policies and Procedures Manual (6.21.19)

Section 5 - Leaves And Absences


Title: Administrative Leave

Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992


Code Number: 5.6


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1. An employee who has been summoned or subpoenaed by a court to serve as a litigant or member of a jury may be granted administrative leave with pay by the Executive Director. Such services or necessary appearance in court shall not be counted as personal leave. A copy of the summons or subpoena should be admitted along with the request for administrative leave. A statement from the clerk of court is also necessary in order to determine on which dates the employee's presence is required. 2. The Governor or the Executive Director may grant administrative leave with pay to employees, without charge to any accumulated leave balances, in the event of extreme weather conditions or in the event of a man-made, technological or natural disaster, or other emergency. 3. Employees are encouraged to participate in the election process as the opportunity arises. Employees are encouraged to exercise the right to vote before and after regular office hours. Employees who must travel a distance to vote will be granted such time as is necessary to arrive at their prospective places by the Executive Director. Approval for this time must be granted in advance of departure. 4. At the discretion of the Executive Director, an employee may use personal leave for the purpose of serving as an election poll worker.

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