MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2005 – May Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association Wednesday, May 18, 2005 Minutes
A meeting of the Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association was held on Wednesday, May 18, 2005 in the Conference Room at the State Board for Junior and Community Colleges building in Jackson, MS.
Attendance was as follows:
Copiah Lincoln
Laura Lofton
East Central
Katie Sparkman
East Mississippi
Andrea Scott
Tish Stewart
Itawamba Meridian
Ellene McCrimon
Hubert Yates
Mississippi Delta
Jackie Bailey-Hall
Mississippi Gulf Coast
Jennifer Leimer and Mark Smith
Northwest Pearl River Southwest
Phyllis Johnson
Alicia Shows
Audra Kimble, Beverlin Givens, Ive Burnett
CALL TO ORDER. Ellene McCrimon called the meeting to order at 10:10am.
II. The minutes from the association meeting on April 6, 2005 were approved with one amendment on item III E. The word offer was changed to host in the last sentence.
Director's report
a. Blackboard Update: Audra Kimble stated that Blackboard has asked DLCs to please report all errors or problems so that they can research them. Please include details of the problem including BB ID number. b. Ms. Kimble has begun the purging of users in Blackboard. The users in D2L have been purged. c. A request for proposal for a new learning management system has been issued. In the mean time, the current contract with D2L that was originally purchased for MSVCC by Copiah-Lincoln Community College has been revised with an upgrade to 5,000 users. d. Ms. Kimble asked DLCs to poll instructors to find those who are interested in additional D2L training and give names to Ms. Kimble. e. Ms. Kimble reminded members about the naming scheme in D2L. Usernames for instructors should be firstname.lastname. Usernames for students are the same as in Blackboard, first initial, lastname, last four numbers of social security number.
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