MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
a. Tish Stewart mentioned that instructors need to verify that their course descriptions in their syllabi match the description that is in the course catalog and the Instructional Dean needs to verify that the catalog description matches what is in the uniform numbering system. Ms. Stewart also asked if colleges charge for test proctoring for non-students. Members said that they do not, but some are looking at doing this. b. To get a list of students who have no classes assigned, use Microsoft Access to compare the Student Report to the Student Listing in the enrollment tool.
Topic of the Day a. Conference call with READI
i. Preview of ii. Username is Mississippi and password is group (This will be valid for about a week) iii. First page is customizable
iv. To view results: v. Username is Audra and password is Kimble
Future Meetings a. Tuesday, January 10 th 10am SBCJC
Adjournment 2:08pm
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