MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2006 – March Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association Tuesday, March 7, 2006 Minutes
A meeting of the Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association was held on Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at the State Board for Junior and Community Colleges building in Jackson, MS.
Attendance was as follows:
Letha Richards via CCN
Copiah Lincoln
Laura Lofton
East Central
East Mississippi
Andrea Scott Audra Leverton
Tish Stewart Kim Harris
Itawamba Meridian
Taurus Satterwhite Jackie Bailey-Hall
Mississippi Delta
Mississippi Gulf Coast
Jennifer Leimer, Mark Smith, Buffy Matthews
Northwest Pearl River Southwest
Phyllis Johnson
Absent Absent
Audra Kimble and Beverlin Givens
CALL TO ORDER. Andrea Scott called the meeting to order at 10:07 am.
II. The minutes from the association meeting on February 7, 2006 were approved as presented.
Unfinished business
New Business a. Audra Kimble discussed consortium issues i.
The Blackboard survey is available and will be turned off Saturday, March 11. Please encourage your faculty members to complete the survey. ii. Association members who are present at the CFTCC will meet with Chad to discuss the survey results. iii. Survey results will be brought to the presidents association then there will be further discussions with Blackboard executives. iv. Stacy, the project manager with Presidium, will be at CFTCC v. Jones Jr. College will be joining the consortium in the fall and John Carter will be the DLC. vi. Audra will be requesting proposals for training to begin being offered this summer. Training sessions will be offered in three sessions to cover all parts of the state.
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