MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
a trainer from each college attend the training. Ms. Kimble will send more information about this course as soon as she hears from Chad at Blackboard.
ii. Assessement 1. Summer will still be $10. The summer assessment will be pulled on June 23 rd . Please report no-shows to other DLCs by June 21 st . 2. Fall will be upped to $12.50 The fall assessment will be pulled on September 8 th . Report no-shows to other DLCs by September 6 th . 3. Fall 2007 will be upped to $15.00 iii. Reporting Issues 1. Report Enrollment Tool issues to Beverlin 2. Report course problems (other than creating courses or students) to Ms. Kimble. iv. ET Syllabus 1. Remind instructors to use Plain Text only and remove extra line spaces. 2. The character limit has been reduced to 7,000 characters v. Purging of Students 1. Purging of BB and D2L will occur during the week of May 15. 2. Summer classes begin June 5 th . vi. Training 1. Professional Development Sessions A stipend will be paid to the presenter of approximately $125 per 2 hour course. Please encourage instructors to submit applications/proposals for training. June 29-30 will be the Registrar's meeting at Hinds Community College. DLCs are expected to attend. Current information about the audit process will be presented. ii. Pre-Audit. Two systems are looked at: the student system and the virtual system. The primary role that DLCs play in the audit is to make sure that the course IDs and locations match in both systems. After courses have been verified, then the DLCs work with the instructors to verify attendance through audit rolls. These are two separate functions. Dr. Day requested that members work with registrars or computer center personnel to determine when the student schedule file will be pulled and to refrain from making any changes to course information during this time. iii. Dr. Day mentioned a concern about students not being dropped or withdrawn in a timely manner then when it is time to enter grades, these are being processed which causes inconsistencies in reporting at MSVCC and a tremendous amount of work to correct them. iv. Dr. Stonecypher discussed the Pandemic Planning meeting in Jackson on May 1 and the role that MSVCC could play in continuing education during a time when traditional meetings might be suspended. Could the MSVCC system handle that volume? How could institutions support this locally, and how could institutions work together to make provisions? Ms. Kimble presented suggestions from Kim Harris on the course. Ms. Kimble requested that all DLCs go in and take a look at what has been done so far. Make sure that an introduction and competencies are included for each module. ii. 25 applications have been accepted for facilitating the online certification course. The tentative start date for the course is June 12 th and ending on August 11 th . Phyllis Johnson,
b. Dr. Day and Mr. Burnett i.
c. Status of Certification Course i.
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