MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
c. MSVCC Training Course
i. No update available at this time
d. Professional Development Calendar
i. Audra Kimble will be sending out the calendar by the end of the week. Colleges are asked to volunteer to host these training sessions. The only requirements are a location and lab (if needed) as well as refreshments. Be sure to include the campus, day of week or date, and time preferences if you plan to host. Registration will be required for attendees with a minimum of 10-15 for each workshop.
e. Assessment
i. September 8, 2006 - $12.50 per student, per enrollment ii. No shows should be reported to other colleges by September 6
f. Safe Assignment Pilot i. Members agreed to perform a 150 day pilot test on SafeAssignment, a plagiarism detection application for Blackboard. g. Proctor Professional Development i. The Proctor workshop will be held on August 31 at Holmes Community College Ridgeland. ii. Members should submit the names of those attending by August 14 iii. DLCs are invited to come, but not required Other a. Jennifer Leimer requested that Tish Stewart present some information about the SACS accreditation process at the next meeting. Particular items to be concerned with: process for evaluating courses, policies and procedures, advisement, student orientation and services, process for evaluating credentials for instructors from other colleges. b. Jenniffer Wamsley mentioned that she has compiled the list of assessment center closings for the semester that she will distribute to members. c. Chris Jenkins asked about the process of class closings. Members should notify other DLCs about classes that will be cancelled by Friday, August 18 at noon. d. Batch loads will begin at 5pm on August 18 th . Additional batches will be loaded on Monday and Tuesday at 8am, noon and 4pm for new enrollments into the enrollment tool during add/drop. Please remind instructors to have their courses ready by 5pm on the 18 th since students may possibly be able to access the courses by as early as Friday. e. Accessibility Training – A hands-on workshop will be sponsored by the University of Southern Mississippi. The workshop will be limited to 30 participants and will be held September 14 th from 9:30-4:30 and September 15 th 9:30 – 12. Ms. Kimble will send additional information. f. Jennifer Leimer introduced Buffy Matthews as the new DLC at MGCCC. Feel free to contact Jennifer or Buffy for assistance with MGCCC issues. Buffy can be contacted at or 228-897-3742.
Future Meeting a. October 3, 2006 SBCJC 10am.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40pm,
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