MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
READI a. Julie Owen from Decade Consulting provided an overview of READI for association members. Packets were provided to each institution with login information and instructions for getting started.
III. The minutes from the December 2006 meeting were presented for review. Laura Lofton moved to accept the minutes and Audra Leverton seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.
Consortium Issues c. System-wide Blackboard Contract
Presidents received a proposal from Blackboard with suggested funding strategies, but other options for funding are being considered. A general discussion about the proposal ensued. Members expressed pros and cons of the proposal. d. Username and Password Policy i. Complaints have been received about using social security names in the username and password. A discussion about options for using an alternate ID that would be acceptable statewide occurred. A suggestion was made by Dr. Day to use first initial, last name, school three digit identifier and birth date. DLCs were asked to go back to their schools and talk with Admissions and IT people to see what their thoughts are? e. Financial Aid “Gypsies” i. Audra Kimble will compose a letter to the college financial aid officers, business managers and DLCs to discuss the problem of students who deplete financial aid funds at one college then transfer to another in order to receive additional financial aid. f. Enrollment Tool Enhancements i. A discussion about enrollment tool enhancements ensued. Ms. Kimble reminded members to send all enrollment tool requests to the ET committee: Andrea Scott, Jennifer Leimer, Jackie Bailey-Hall, and Taurus Satterwhite. The committee will evaluate and make suggestions to the DLC Association for approval before submitting to SBCJC. i. Ms. Kimble has contracted with a group of people from throughout the state to evaluate and revise the MSVCC Training Course that was developed by the DLC Association. The plan is to have all changes made by May and run the first class of facilitators through this summer. i. Please remind instructors that this was a pilot last semester and the contract for this semester is not complete so Safe Assignment is not available this semester at this time. Ms. Kimble will notify members when this becomes available. Horizon Wimba i. Would like to come and give a presentation to the DLC association. They will plan to come to the March meeting. j. MsBUG – Mississippi Blackboard Users Group i. Each institution has been asked to bring three door prizes to the January or February meeting to be given at the MsBug conference. ii. The MsBUG meeting will be held in conjunction with Creating Futures Through Technology conference in Biloxi, MS. iii. Registration is $35 g. MSVCC Training Course h. Safe Assignment Pilot i.
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