MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
i. Members were asked to review list provided of users and courses. MSVCC has just moved over into the next pricing tier, Audra encouraged members to look for users (instructors) who are no longer active that can be removed along with their courses. ii. Please submit list to Audra of users & courses that can be deleted by April 6. Use the spreadsheet that Audra emailed to members on March 26 th to submit this information iii. The staging environment will be upgraded to 7.1 during mid-April. The production environment (live Blackboard server) will likely be upgraded during August. Chris Jenkins asked what the address was for the Staging server, and Audra will send it to members so that it can be used for training purposes. d. eLearning Wish List i. Audra Kimble provided an eLearning wish list (goals for DLC Association) and asked members to provide input as to priority in accomplishing these goals. Janice Poole would like to see the training course added as a priority. A general discussion about quality in online courses occurred. Members agreed to move item 11 up to number 3 in priority. Another discussion about student orientations occurred. Audra Kimble discussed the option of adding a co-requisite two-week student orientation course other options were discussed. Online student orientation has been moved to priority number 4. Audra Kimble added a Best Practices/Instructor Manual for MSVCC to the wish list. Sub-committees will be formed to discuss these wish list items further. (See attached eLearning Wishlist) e. MSVCC Training Course i. Elizabeth Spooner stated that the training course group met and is reworking the modules to make them clearer and more concise. All changes will be submitted to Kim Harris by April 4 th . It will be ready for review for the training group within two-weeks after it is submitted to Ms. Harris. The final course will be released to Audra Kimble by May 1 st . The DLC Association will have the opportunity to look at the completed course and hopefully it will be deployed for the first group of facilitators in the summer. The group recommends that one facilitator manage an entire course with a maximum of 15. Another recommendation will be that participants will choose BB or D2L from the beginning. Chris Jenkins asked if the training course would be available to DLCs so that schools could facilitate their own instructors. Audra Kimble stated that it would be available, but the only way to get “certified” will be for learners to go through the official course. i. March 26 – Summer & Fall registration ii. March 30 – Last day for students to withdraw with a W (regular term) iii. April 2 – Surveys will be turned on iv. April 6 – List to Audra for deletion of courses & users v. April 27 – Grades Due for regular term vi. May 2 – Next DLC meeting and Apreso demonstration vii. May 4 – Grades due for condensed term (grade form will be turned off at 5pm) g. Committees i. Committee assignments were made to work on specific topics. Committees are as follows: 1. Enrollment Tool Enhancements & Manual a. Andrea Scott (Chair) f. Important Dates
b. Jackie Bailey-Hall c. Jennifer Leimer d. Taurus Satterwhite
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