MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
v. Holly Melvin – Northeast DLC vi. Jennifer Newell – Transitioned from DLC to Instructional Technology Specialist b. Contact Information - Audra Leverton passed around a contact sheet. DLCs were asked to add current information so that Ms. Leverton can update it and distribute it to members. Ms. Leverton asked that DLCs add proctor contact information to the form. Tish Stewart asked if members would provide an emergency contact number for evening hours in the event that there are proctored testing problems where a test needs to be reset at non-traditional hours. c. Proctor form – On behalf of the proctoring sub-committee, Jennifer Leimer presented a draft Proctor Confidentiality Agreement form. Members agree that this form should be required for all new proctors. Tish Stewart moved to accept form. Jennifer Newell seconded the motion. Members discussed that a separate form for off-campus proctors should be created. Audra Kimble will send Buffy the off campus proctor form so that she can work with the proctoring sub-committee to edit the form with a confidentiality agreement. d. Dates and Deadlines : i. Audra Kimble provided a list of important dates for Summer & Fall 2007. Ms. Kimble reminded members to send proctored exam requirements and plug-ins by September 10. e. Blackboard World Update : Tish Stewart gave a report on the BB World Conference that they attended in July. Great conference. Ms. Stewart encouraged members to submit proposals to present. Steven Levette was one of the keynote speakers and presented on “freakonomics.” Another keynote speaker was a venture capitalist who helped Apple/Mac get going. Ms. Stewart gave an overview of several items that were presented at the conference including Softchalk, and Interwrite. Ms. Stewart met a contact who had developed a Blackboard user’s guide who agreed to share what he had developed. Next Las Vegas July 2008. Southeastern BB users group conference in Jackson in 2008. Members are asked to provide 50 college logo folders for the conference. Orientation and f. Desire2Learn Users Conference Update: Jennifer Leimer reported on the Fusion 2007 conference in July. The new version 8.2 was presented. In addition to cosmetic changes in some areas, there are many changes that allow the customization of content and gradebook views. Ms. Leimer would like to present an overview of the 8.2 system to the DLC association and instructors prior to making the upgrade. Other Business a. MyMathlab – Tish Stewart expressed concern that DLCs have no access to Pearson’s MyMathlab courses. DLCs agreed that instructors should provide login information to DLC office or work with Pearson to get an instructor login for DLCs. b. Jennifer Leimer mentioned that MGCCC has moved to Office 2007. Please report any problems related to textbooks to Ms. Leimer.
VI. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:30pm and was followed by a conference call with Blackboard until 4:30pm.
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