MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
technology and using Wimba would help us do that. Hubert stated that one of the reasons that the students sign up for online courses is for convenience. Discussions were held for pros and cons of using Wimba vs other applications. Recomendations were to pilot at schools and decide as a consortium what to do.
We need to work as a consortium to share technology so we can get further negotiation with companies to get better prices. We have a lot of turnover in the consortium. We need a strong mentoring program to help with new DLCs who come on board. Wimba will allow sharing of information between colleges and instructors.
ATT grant will have a link in the MSVCC site to put in course to apply for training supplements, possibly $500 for stipends.
Apple wants us to look at the use of Itunes-University as a consortium. Possibilities?
How useful would a DLC manual be? Do we need to have one and what do we do to build a new one?
We need to plan for the next boot camp. We need a list of vendors who we can look at to see their products. It was said that it Might be a good place for Apple to come to.
Readi has sent out an invoice. Please be aware of this.
Tish brought up the fact that the proctor link has not been put up yet. Christian brought up the upgrade on the 15 th of May. Upgrade to 8.0.
July 15-17 th are the dates for the Bb World in Los Vegas, Nev. Desire2Learn will be held in Memphis, TN in July.
Next meeting will be held in conjunction with the training April 3 rd and 4 th , possibly night of the
3 rd . The meeting will be held in Room 212 in the math lab in the Ridgeland building on the Ridgeland campus.
March 17 is the date for enrollment tool building out classes for summer and fall.
Meeting was adjourned.
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