MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
New business: Enrollment tool enhancements were discussed. James McMullan requested that DLC’s should be able to reset or clear the course syllabus for our own classes. It was also suggested that some of the verifying “OK” boxes be removed. The registration link is still active for short-term classes. We will check with Ive to see if it is possible to turn off registration for some roles.
SBCJC report: The presidents will vote at their next meeting concerning Wimba and Respondus. After they approve the purchase, it will take about three months to complete the process with ITS. Using the software may cause a problem with our networks, but the IT committee is aware of this possibility. The actual files for Wimba will be hosted in New York.
Problems with Presidium were discussed. Christian requested that each college send a list of repeated problems. We plan to redo the documentation and procedures for those handling the support calls.
It was announce that Jason Pugh has resigned from the state board to take a position as vice-president on the Jackson County Campus of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 8, and 10 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned.
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