MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2003 – September Enrollment Tool Notes
Testing of new items added to the enrollment tool - The test server is on Ive's Laptop - Not always available for access Do anything you want to the test database - it cannot be harmed o Test the alphabetical listing of the students o Test the local offering section o Test the ghost course problem What is the possibility of a users manual for the enrollment tool? three level of user rights for submnitting grades: instructor, DLC, registrar Instructors can add grades and modify grades after they have been submitted The modify grade function can be turned off by Jason at a certain time. Registrars get a grade submitted link for the classes CHANGE ROLS TO COUNSELOR Grade submission will begin on Monday at eight and end friday at five Have the system tested by October first Master course form protect the top for DLC only Have withdrawals and LDA auto populate DLC needs to see all students on final grade list, all others see only their school's students. Archive Data Committee: o Curtis o Jennifer o Natalie Add college to the course list and the semester the couurse was taken Change the Select Indiviual Instructor display Remove special characters Remove dashes in SSN in student listing and student update BB Organization for DLCs and instructor on hold Spring add/drop will be reuced to two days Jason will be submitting the next calendar dates - please check with your school three key issues addressed with BB o Failure of the migration - BB said these things happen o Servers and infrastructure - No prior testing on setups as large as ours - one other larger organzation had similar problems o Breach of contract with mantaining the service Can MSVCC host their own server? Bodies will be needed to accomplish this tasking We want to stay with BB The damage could be worse. We will pursue other interests Look at hosting in house Want to keep local instalations Build a standardized online withdrawal form across all of MSVCC - Requires further study
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