MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Is the course in the latest COURSES error file
Common Errors & Troubleshooting Scenarios: (1) User Cannot Login
Does the use exist in Bb (search Identify mgr user search) Is it all users or just this user (or a set of users) who cannot login Is the user enabled Was the user included in the last USERS snapshot file Does the user have a ROLE assignment Have you tried resetting the users password (if permitted in Bb)? Test the new login/password combo Are the LDAP servers up and runners (If applicable)? – Currently ICC and MCC use LDAP. Holmes will be moving to LDAP. (2) User cannot access a course in which they are enrolled Look up the user in the Identify mgr user search. Does the enrollment show up? I the enrollment available and enabled? Look up the course under the System Admin panel. Look at the course properties. Verify the following: Course available set to Yes Duration is either set to continuous or duration with correct beginning/end dates specified. (Days from enrollment generally should not be used as it will shut out a student that number of days after their record is first snapshot in; not likely used in any current MS use case). Verify that instructor has not made particular enrollment unavailable (this is allowed and could have been done inadvertently). Were files generated by the SIS and uploaded to the SFTP site? Are files in the inbox? Is the runflag.txt file present? If yes to the above, the Identity Manager may not be running. Report the issue to MSBCJC. Sometimes Bb will have to restart the identity manger. Jennifer Newell asked why it has caused a problem this summer. Each time the summers have to be restarted so that the identity manager. Stacey said that Usha and Phil will check this more often to see if they can narrow down what could be causing the problem. Usha said that one reason they had to restart more often was database issues. Stacey said that the restart is not associated with the amount of data. Usha said that the gradebook issues have been causing slowdowns with the database. Stacey asked that Usha and Phil look at the database issues to ensure that these have been resolved before the start of fall semester. Terry said that after speaking to Phil two weeks ago that the issue was gradebook as well as tests with essay questions. Hubert asked: The manual drop are every thirty minutes on the half-hour. The regular snapshot takes priority over the manual snapshot process. (3) Snapshot files have not been processed at the usual time
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