MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
Bringing it back up and doing their own QA before they release to us for further QA and then turn snapshot on as normal Product development & ASP both verified that they don’t impact other systems Does not require full database changes Will impact outcomes system functionality Don’t impact content, community, or LMS Christian said that one of his concerns during upgrading is that you are always on this curve and have to upgrade frequently. For this service pack two will this fix everything with outcomes so that we can take a break before upgrading again. Stacey said that this service pack is strictly limited to outcomes. Will not fix anything on LMS side. There may be hot fixes that Phil can apply separately without supplying full service pack 3. Stacey is just recommending service pack 2, it does not introduce any further changes to LMS. Service pack 3 includes additional outcomes changes (reporting). The deployment piece is needed to complete system design & engagements. Doesn’t feel there is a pressing need at this time. Maybe next summer.
Learning Circle a. Update – Jennifer Leimer provided the group with an agenda, minutes from June meeting, and ET request. If you all remember before Audra left we started a learning circle where we provide a short presentation on articles pertaining to Distance Learning. Tish will be on for August and Audra will be on schedule for September. Nothing fancy, but sharing ideas. b. Article Presentation – Terry Pollard started his presentation at 11:42a.m. The video presentation was on Wimba.
IV. Approval of Agenda – if there is something not listed that you like to add, please let us know. We would like to keep our discussions on topic as much as possible. Agenda approved
V. Reading of Minutes – provided the June minutes in an email and today. Please review and list any changes that need to be made. Audra Leverton made a motion to approve, Jackie Bailey-Hall seconded the motion. Minutes approved as presented. VI. Committee Reports – would like commities to report at every meeting. You may not have anything at this time, but would like to keep these at each meeting. a. Best Practices – Terry Pollard provided a best practices handout to the group. First question was about teaching effectively online course. Do you want for us to provide these to you today, or would you like state board to mail out. Julia asked if they could mail to the DLC offices. Terry will mail those out to the DLC offices for us to pass out from the Spring semester. He will include the addresses
AT&T grant – received some applications for several courses. App deadline at the end of July.
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