MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
outcomes at this time. Behind the Bb is no longer functional at all. Email has been an ineffective ticketing approach. We are working with Presidium to submit support tickets so that they will work directly with Bb. Worked with Patrick and DLCs and got a lot of new feedback. Terry and Christian will look at all of the problems that we have and route to the proper information. Terry provided the group with handouts: Have a problem with our presidium contract. We are not maximizing the use of our contract. The contract intended to provide more call center staff at their call center. Room to move out additional services beyond what we have now. Looking at processes that we can correct: (1) ambiguity of questions – there is a new dropdown menu when the student is creating the ticket (2) folder structure – does not assist with self service. Make college schema so that each college has their own folder/area (3) Timeliness of fixing the issues. SB gets the same problem over and over. Presidium can only be as accurate as what they are given. Presidium cannot look at any of your snapshot files, etc. Colleges are primary folder that the faculty/students will see. There are ten folders. Jennifer Newell asked if we could update the folder structure. Can we update the folders listed there. Terry said that you could build this out as much as you want. He has some suggestions for differentiating b/t online or traditional. Goals are for DLCs to take ownership of their folders/area. There are currently knowledge base data that is three years old. No one has updated this information and no training has been conducted at each college for updating the data. There are large institutions that use presidium the way that we are. The buzz word is self support. There has been some issues with people not wanting to use presidium because they cannot always provide a specific answer. Would like to reduce the amount of times by days. Have not written the ticket support structure of escalations. Audra said that one of the changes that we recommended was to take the downloads and knowledge base icons off of the website to help declutter the interface. Terry will provide us instructions on how to access this information. Our knowledge base will be completely separate of the way that we create tickets. Moving toward a system of self support will take some time. Jennifer Leimer asked about the escalation always coming too quickly to the DLCs, but it is also being handled by someone at Presidium. If they are handling the situation, why are we still receiving those escalations? We will be asking that Presidium provides us with the steps of what they have done before escalation. Jennifer Newell said that this week all of the virtual students got locked out of the system. People were calling presidium, but she had no way to provide presidium with that information. Is there a way to do that? One way we can pursue doing that is to add a folder visible to parature/presidium. That would be seen by all call center staff. Terry will pursue that with Presidium as well. Don’t forget about your tabs and modules so that that information is available. When Presidium updated the folder structure and everything is very disorganized. Each college will be responsible for updating the information and cleaning up their folders. You will want to find the topic information, select the last three digits of the number. Login to Parature, click knowledgebase, click on search icon, click “by ID,” but the last three digits in there search field box, click GO. Update the document using the HTML editor. You can also move the document to a different folder, click SAVE. Could assign sum-committee under support a person can be in charge of looking at tickets and keep in draft mode. They would be
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