MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. WIMBA IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING – TERRY POLLARD iv. Terry stated that they would like to begin identifying courses that use the Wimba Tools through the MSVCC Enrollment Tool. He will need to check with Ive on where the information can be posted within the MSVCC Enrollment Tool. This will provide information about the technical requirements needed as well as provide marketing/promotion for the tools. v. Scott Smith stated that they had institutions that post the minimum and recommended requirements for taking a course using Wimba tools. A 56K connection is the minimum requirements and broadband is recommended. It should be noted that both students and instructors would be required to have a microphone and speakers. vi. Audra Leverton made the motion to add the Wimba tools minimum and recommended requirements to the MSVCC Enrollment Tool comment section. Tish Stewart seconded the motion. Please note that the comments section will need to be expanded for this information to be included. According to Carl, we pay for the amount of usage that we have in the content collection area of Bb. The problem is that when we delete information from the content collection, we are still charged for the usage of that information. Holly would like to know if the contract can be modified or if Bb can create a script to remove the deleted information. v. The second issue is that all export and archived items are counting toward our usage of space. Those need to be removed. Jim Wohlford stated that we needed to discuss the issue with data and purging with Phil Cunningham. vi. There is a 70MB limit for course usage and a 20MB for the content collection usage. ICC is the primary user of the content collection. b. BLACKBOARD COURSE STATISTICS – HOLLY MELVIN iii. Holly has noticed that when re-using courses, the user statistics and performance dashboard carry over from previous semesters. She would like for Bb to run a script to remove previous semester data from current term courses. They use this information for the survey’s, which is causing some confusion and problems. Christian has spoken with Blackboard about have a pedagogy expert provide training on how to use the technology to change pedagogy for online courses. This training is delivered via web-ex and takes approximately 30minutes to an hour. He would like to recommend that this training be presented during the November DLC meeting. c. WEB PRESENTATION ON PEDAGOGY – CHRISTIAN PRUITT i. NEW BUSINESS a. BLACKBOARD CONTENT COLLECTION COST – HOLLY MELVIN iv.



There has been a lot of discussion about how the DLC Association operates in terms of officers. Currently our policies and procedures state that officers are elected in June and take office at the July meeting. In most organization the president elect plans the


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