MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

know that other institutions may not pull in your courses if the transcripts are not available. Some schools require this, so they may not pull in your courses without this information. Derrix said that his dean doesn’t like using the certification forms because it is just numbers. The course name does not appear on that form. The other issues are with SACS, some of our schools are required to have copies of all transcripts from all courses offered. Tish Stewart stated that we may also need to revise the certification form with more information so that it can be something that all schools use. vi. Workload updates. As discussed in a previous meeting, the deans wanted an enrollment tool report providing them with a list of courses that instructors teach throughout the MSVCC. The AGs office said that we are a public entity and this information is public, whether full-time or part-time. vii. Course Evaluation spreadsheets – Chris Jenkins requested a spreadsheet that included all course evaluations for an instructor. He also requested that the spreadsheet provide an overall calculation of evaluation results. Currently the evaluation appears on three pages and is difficult to print. Christian will discuss the possibility of saving into a CSV with Ive. d. Instructor of the Year. Christian provided a handout to the group. They would like for the Instructor of the Year award to be peer selected. Information on the award will be provided in the MSVCC newsletter. We want faculty to be aware that they can nominate those that they feel are deserving of the award. Each school should be able to identify two or three faculty for submission to the MSVCC. An evaluation committee will then review and choose the candidates. Names and schools will be removed during the evaluation process to ensure that no bias is included in the decision. Once the winners have been chosen, they will be honored at the presidents meeting and will receive a $1,000 stipend. Jennifer said that typically when a person is nominated, they are notified and asked to provide a resume, or something that provides some background data, for use when honoring them for the award. All nominations will come to each college’s DLC office and the DLC will pick the three to submit to SBCJC. contacting her office and stating that they do not know what their final grades are. She would like to request that faculty post a final grade column in the gradebook. When looking into this for her students, she found that the student’s grades were listed within the grade items listed, but there was not a final grade column to provide the student with their overall average. Terry stated that this is something that needs to be reiterated for all new faculty. Jennifer recommended that we also add this to the MSVCC faculty handbook. Christian will make a note to add the recommendation to the MSVCC handbook. b. MSVCC Faculty Handbook – Jenifer Leimer. Please provide as much of your resources to Christian as possible. Many of us have and use our own online faculty handbooks and these can be compiled to provide a general MSVCC Faculty Handbook. The handbook will be a guide, not a mandate for faculty. This will be helping to reinforce what we are already doing at our colleges. c. Future of Wimba – Christian Pruett and Tish Stewart. We have talked to Wimba about differentiating courses in our enrollment system. Long term we would like to have a designation for Wimba courses, noting that the student will need a headset, high-speed internet, webcam, etc. Students need to know about the costs and supply requirements up front. Tish said that she went into the enrollment tool and added the comment spots within the book area to notify students what technology would be needed prior to the start of the course. They can then NEW BUSINESS a.Posting Grades in LMS – Tish Stewart. Tish is having a large volume of Holmes students



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