MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

The students are submitted as audited to begin with because our audit roles have already been done. A policy needs to be written about auditing online courses.

d. ET fixes. Everything has been fixed in the ET, but has not yet been pushed to production. The only thing he has not updated was the role changes from the spreadsheet. This information was provided to Ive during the March meeting. If you have the faculty evaluator role you will be able to see the current evaluations as well as previous term evaluations. Ive added four text boxes to the self-registration page so that the schools who use self-registration will be able to add anything within this.

Christian will check with Ive on the overall grade distributions for each course . All other items have been corrected and will pushed to production tomorrow.

e. Bandwidth for Exams. Christian said that they have already approved the upgrade of bandwidth. All of the infrastructure will be put into place prior to fall 2010.

f. Proctor Meeting. We were supposed to write a survey to find out what the proctors wanted to cover during the May meeting. Christian will send this survey out to all proctors.

g. Smarthinking. ITS has the sole source request and all approvals have been granted. They are in the negation stage. Smarthinking will be available fall 2010.

h. Southern E-Learning Association – they are looking to include additional LMSs. This will include MS, AL, and LA. Meet every two months via Wimba and one meeting a year, possibly in conjunction with Creating Futures.



j. Staggering Archive/Export. Tabled until April 14 th . Should we have a calendar for staggering the archive/export function?

k. Textbook information in ET


New Business a. Responsiveness of SBCJC Staff and eLCs – Christian said that there are times when SBCJC staff are out of the office and should notify the eLC group. Please also let us know when you are out of the office. If you want an ASAP response, please also provide those when we are asking for something. b. Changing an ET Report – Christian was approached with the idea. Keri is going to begin using self registration. To make it easier for her to compare what in her SIS and MSVCC, she wants to add LDA/WD and SIS Identifier fields to the report. The problem is with the text delimited file. Just let the group know when the text delimited file is corrected because Keri uses this file regularly.


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