MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

submitted to other colleges for the fall and spring semesters. Students will be given two weeks before being submitted as No Shows. Holly Melvin moved that during the summer, No Shows should be determined after one week (Wednesday-Tuesday, reported to other colleges by following Friday). The motion was seconded and carried.

SBCJC Business

Christian Pruett reported that 18% of all MS community college credit hours are credited by virtual classes. He asked each eLC to provide the number of employees associated with Distance Learning at each campus. He will use the information to determine the cost of educating online students.

Christian attended the Educause Conference in Orlando, FL. Blackboard has purchased Wimba. At this point Wimba will remain a separate company. There will still be full support through 2015.

Christian discussed creating three statewide committees to prepare for the growth of the MSVCC. The committees would be 1) Textbook Capacity, 2) Promotion and Development and 3) Capacity and Infrastructure. Members of the eLC Association will serve on the committee along with relevant college staff. Jennifer Leimer requested that the representatives provide reports to the eLC Association. She also requested that some key online instructors be added to the committees.

Terry Pollard provided an overview of his trip to Virginia. He visited the Blackboard Data Hosting Center and attended a meeting with the American Society for Training and Development. He also met with Nan Ottenritter, Director of Development for the Virginia Community College System.

Terry provided the group with a tip that he received from data hosting. Instructors’ bringing entire classes to labs to test during the final exam period causes a load on the system. The group agreed that this was something that could not be changed.

Christian provided more information about Blackboard.

 The Blackboard App can be licensed so that it will work on any cellular provided. He is waiting on a price.  He is working on the problem where colleges are duplicated when trying to access the Blackboard App.  Blackboard can provide customized Apps for each college. The eLCs are asked to go back to their colleges and decide how detailed they would like the Apps to be. (Christian is going to


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