MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:00 - 3:00 Dr. Bruce Chaloux - Strategies for Growing and Sustaining elearning programs

Student Access Programs & Serivces Southern Regional Education Board

Emerging challenges for Mississippi, the Region and the Nation  About SREB o US's first interstate compact (one of four) o est 1948 o Designed to pull south up to higher educational level o

contract to allow students to attend IHLs in other states - basically reserves a set number of seats in certain programs and covers the out of state tuition for participants o 16 member states o Governer and five legislative and educational leaders serve on the Board  Connection to policymakers  Chair is always a governer o Initiatives designed to share resourcees and increase access to higher education o Promote educational standards and the economic growth of the region o Policy, Standards, and Data o In 1960 60% of HS grads went on to college o In 2010 67% of HS grads went on to college o Most IHLs still don't embrace online learning  Higher Educationin the US: Beyond the Hype o Slipped to 11th in degree attainment globally o For the first time in our history, the current generation fo adults (25-34) have lower degree attainment than the previous generation (35-44) o 38% of working adults have a degree (assoc or higher) o Only one state in the US has readched 50% of the working adult population holding a degree (Massachusets)  Action Areas for Success to Increase the Numbers of Certificates and Degrees (Page 3 of No Time to Waste publication) o Need to do a better job of preparing our high schools students for higher education o Once we get them to college, retain them  Ivy league institutions and small private schools do a better job of retaining students than other post secondary institutions. o We have a huge population of young people who don't finish - reach back for the adults o Shared accountability o Measure what we are doing o Need to do a better job of getting credits from community colleges to transfer to universities o Adult degree attainment US  10.5% graduate or professional degree  22.2% some college, no degree  8.4% associate degree  27.1 % High school  12.8% less than high school  19% bachelor's degree  Lumina foundation - report profile challenge o Adult degree attainment in MS  4.7% less than ninth grade


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